2020学年原定2月1日/2日开学日推后至2月15日/16日,顺延两周开学,第一学期的最后一周变为3月28日/29日。第一学期减少一周,共七周;第二学期增加一周(即原定6月6日/7日放假改为上课),共十周。第一学期:2月15/16日 – 3月28/29日
Dear parents,
Due to the outbreak of Wuhan coronavirus recently in China, concerns have been raised among parents worrying that the virus could be spread in Chinese school when students and parents come back to school on the first day of Term 1 as scheduled on 1 Feb. Considering the health of the whole school community members, we have decided that the start of Term 1 is postponed from 1/2 Feb to 15/16 Feb and thus the end of Term 1 would be on 28/29 March as follows. Which makes Term 1 seven weeks in total. There will be 10 weeks in Term 2 instead of 9 weeks.
Students and staffs are suggested to stay at home or visit GPs if symptoms of flu or pneumonia are noticed. When you come back to school, please make sure the symptoms are clear to protect the health of all the staff, teachers, parents and students of the school.
The 2020 enrolment for all the new and old students would be open from 15/16 Feb. Parents would Still be able to enjoy the earlybird benefits if you pay the tuition fees for the whole year at once.
Thank you for your understanding and support. It would be much appreciated if you could pass the information around.
Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language and Culture School Inc.