Discipline Procedures
If a student behaves in an unacceptable way, the following steps will be taken:
FIRST STEP Warning and consequences of continued misbehaviour will be explained to the student.
SECOND STEP The student will be sent to another classroom with work to be completed.
THIRD STEP The student will be counselled by the school principal.
FOURTH STEP Parents will be informed and requested to attend a meeting together with the student, with the school’s principal, to try and resolve the problem.
FIFTH STEP The student may be suspended or expelled from the school.
第一步 向学生提出第一次警告,并向学生解释如果违纪行为不进行改正会导致的后果。
第二步 将学生隔离到另一间教室进行反省。
第三步 校长与学生进行面谈。
第四步 通知学生家长,并要求家长和学生、校长一起共同商讨解决方案。
第五步 学生可能会被停课或者劝退。