Mt Waverley总校及早教学前班紧急通知
新金山Mt Waverley总校紧急通知
由于本周六(5月18日)Mt Waverley总校体育馆为联邦大选投票站,届时所有车辆不能从校园内通过,校区内的停车位将大幅度减少。因此,请家长在校区附近无停车限制的地方停车,然后将孩子送进校园。当天,学校办公室临时移到新大楼旁的餐厅内办公。
新金山Mt Waverley 总校
Dear parents,
We would like to inform you that this coming Saturday (18 May) the Gym on the Senior Campus of Mt Waverley Secondary College would be used as the polling booth for 2019 Federal Election. Due to this commitment, no cars are allowed to pass through the campus on the day and the on-campus parking spots might be taken by the voters. Therefore, if possible, park your car close to the senior campus (where there are no parking restrictions) on Saturday morning and then walk your children to their classrooms.
Moreover, the Chinese Office would be placed at the Canteen next to the D Block (the new 2-floor building).
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Best regards,
Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language and Culture School
新金山早教学前中文部 紧急停课通知 !!!
本周六即5月18号是澳洲联邦大选日,Mount Waverley North 小学被列为这次选举投票站之一。当天一定是车多人杂,我们与日校协商,也听取了日校校方的建议,考虑到我们早教学前班小朋友年龄小的特点,为了保证我们孩子的安全,保证我们大选投票的正常进行,现决定本周六(5月18日)Mount Waverley 早教学前中文部停课一天。周日的教学活动还是正常进行。特此通知