新金山中文学校校长信箱 (02/12/2022)Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language and Culture School Principal’s Message
大家好!2022学年已近尾声,周六班因上周六维州大选停课到下周六结束,周日班本周末结束。为帮助家长做好孩子明年的注册交费,我校将在12月11日、12月17日、12月18日在Mt Waverley总校体育馆接待家长咨询、给孩子注册及交费。学校办公室从12月22日起至1月15日放假,1月16日起对外接待,2月4/5日开学。
- 今年学年结束时,我校将恢复给优秀学生和进步学生颁发金牌、银牌和奖状。给认真学习的学生的奖励,将会鼓励更多的学生努力学好中文;
- 明年学生注册交费的早鸟优惠到12月18日截止。据统计,已有三分之一的学生已完成明年的注册交费,家长因享受早鸟优惠省下好几百元钱,可给孩子购买圣诞和新年礼物;
- 除了12月10日(周六)上课各校区继续接待之外,学校将在12月11日(周日)、12月17日(周六)、12月18日(周日)在Mt Waverley总校体育馆集中接待家长咨询、给孩子注册及交费;
- 请家长在给孩子交费时一定要先给孩子完成注册。根据教育部目前的规定,社区语言学校的学生必须每年注册一次,请大家务必配合;
- 我校从学前班至10年级的各班班主任老师将给学生做成绩报告单,如果您需要了解孩子的学习情况请与班主任老师联系;
- 所有完成注册及付费的学生将会在明年开学前一周收到开学及教室安排的通知;
- 我校1-3年级学生写字比赛经全体低年级教师投票评选成绩揭晓,查看请点击;
- 接暨南大学华测考试院通知,我校2600多位学生的答题卡正与世界各国的考生的答题卡一起在紧张、认真的评判之中,年底会向各国公布;
- 我校在11月26日首次组织了由老师、同学和家长参加的郊游活动,为将来再次举办类似活动作了成功的尝试,阅读活动报道请点击;
- 维州板球协会邀请我校学生在12月16日(星期五,下午3点50分入场)在墨尔本板球场MCG举办的墨尔本队与霍巴特队比赛免费观赛并可在赛前与著名球星互动(详情请点击),总名额22位(每位学生可由1位家长陪同),有兴趣的同学请到https://forms.office.com/r/TK4Kat4J6S登记(截止期12月9日,额满为止)。
新金山中文学校是一所教育部认可的旨在保护儿童安全的社区语言学校,如果您对我校的有关儿童安全相关政策有任何疑问或建议,请登陆我校网站 https://xjs.vic.edu.au/child-safety/或致电98881688进行查询,也可发邮件至[email protected]
Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language and Culture School
Principal’s Message
Dear teachers, students and parents,
Term 4 is coming to an end soon. Due to the Election Day last Saturday, our Term 4 Saturday classes will end on 10th December and Sunday classes will end on 4th December. To support parents in 2023 enrolment, we would receive enrolment and enquiries on 11th, 17th and 18th December in the Hall on the senior campus of MWSC. The school office would be closed from 22 December 2022 to 15 January 2023 and resume receiving enquiries on 16 January 2023. Term 1 starts from 4/5 February 2023.
This is the last Principal’s message of the year and I would like to share some information with you.
- We would resume providing gold and silver medals for well-performed students of the year and certificates for students who have made great progress over the year to appreciate their efforts and encourage more students to work hard in Chinese language learning.
- The Early Bird benefits is valid by 18 December 2022. About 1/3 of students have enrolled in 2023 and made the payments whose parents have saved a couple of hundred dollars to prepare for their children’s Christmas and New Year presents.
- 2023 enrolment and enquiries are available in the Hall on the senior campus of MWSC on 11th Dec (Sun), 17th Dec (Sat) and 18th Dec (Sun). The Saturday 10th December is for class teaching as usual.
- Please be aware that parents need to complete the enrolment form before making the payment. The enrolment form is to be completed annually as requested by DET. It would be much appreciated if you could understand and support our work.
- Semester 2 School Report would be prepared for prep to Year 10 students. Please contact your child’s class teacher if you would like to know the details.
- Students who have been enrolled and made the payment would receive school commencement notice one week before 2023 Term 1 with information about the class arrangements and classroom directions.
- The Handwriting Competition outcome is now available online. Please click the link for details.
- We’ve been informed by the Hua Ce Test Centre of Jinan University that our 2600 answer sheets are under the serious marking with those from countries all over the world and the outcome will be available for checking by the end of the year.
- On 26 November, we organised a wonderful cultural event with teachers, students and parents. Please feel free to click the link for details.
- Cricket Victoria is now inviting our students to enjoy a free match (Melbourne Stars vs Hobart Hurricanes BBL) on Friday (16/12/2022) at the MCG, Melbourne (please click the link for details). As part of this experience, our school will have the opportunity to bring along 22 students and one parent / guardian each. If you are interested in the match, please visit https://forms.office.com/r/TK4Kat4J6S for registration (22 places only, by 9 December).
I would like to take this opportunity to present my sincerely appreciation on behalf of XJS to our 3800 students who have made great efforts in Chinese language learning in 2022, to their parents who have trusted us and given us great support and to all the teaching and admin staff who have gone through various difficulties and completed our teaching tasks successfully. Let’s keep on walking together in 2023.
I wish you a peaceful, safe, pleasant and wonderful school holiday ahead. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Yours sincerely,
Kevin Hu, Principal