新金山中文学校校长信箱(02122020)Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language and Culture School Principal’s Message
同时,我校明年的学生注册交费已经开始,班主任老师已给家长们发出了通知。有关明年我校的校历和学校课程设置以及各项收费标准等,请参阅2021年招生简章,网站链接:https://xjs.vic.edu.au/assets/2020/11/XJS-Admission-Guide-Chinese-2021.pdf(中文版),https://xjs.vic.edu.au/assets/2020/11/XJS-Admission-Guide-2021.pdf (英文版)。
请大家注意:这次学生注册交费除了提前交费享受优惠之外,学校还对所有在疫情期间坚持网课学习的学生给予一次性$30 优惠。需要在这里跟大家说明一下,我校出于健康安全的考虑,提倡家长通过网上转账付费。请大家仔细阅读班主任老师的交费通知,并按照通知上列出的具体要求转账付费,尤其特别重要的是必须在转账时放上“学生代号”(在已经转账付费的近50%的学生中,有几十位忘了放“学生代号”,给财务核查确认学生交费带来困难)。家长如果有各种问题需要进一步沟通的,可发电邮到:[email protected],也可以与各校区校长联系,或者到学校咨询(请预先电话确认各校接待时间和地点)。为方便家长,早教学前部、普通中文部、VCE中文部和精英中文部将联合在Mt Waverley总校高中部体育馆接待大家,时间:12月5日/6日,12月12日/13日(放假后的第一个周末),上午9:30分至下午3:30分。之后,学校将在新金山中文图书馆接待,地址13A Windsor Ave, Mt Waverley Vic3149.,联系电话:9888 1688 (12月25日至2021年1月17日休假,不对外办公)。
由于受疫情影响,我校个别校区的班级明年将并入Mt Waverley总校上学。我们会给相关校区发专门的通知,请注意查阅。
我在给一位位毕业生发证书时,发现他们中有许多都是从小就来我校学中文的,他们的父母亲陪伴他们来新金山也都有10多年了。为此,我很感慨。记得年初我去企鹅岛在餐馆就餐时偶遇东主吴先生,交谈中得知他的两个儿子都是我校毕业的,目前的工作情况很好,而且都受益于他们的中文水平。吴先生说他们当初决定并坚持送孩子到新金山Mt Waverley总校学中文非常值得。记忆中,我认识的是每周送孩子来上学的吴太太,我知道他们在企鹅岛经营一家中餐馆。从企鹅岛他们家到我们Mt Waverley总校单程130多公里,来回260多公里。吴太太每个周末早上5点多起床送孩子到来上学,不论严寒酷暑,无论刮风下雨,持之以恒,坚持了十几年。两个孩子先后顺利完成高中中文课程并在VCE中文高考中取得了好成绩,他们是我们新金山学生的好榜样。
Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language and Culture School
Principal’s Message
Dear teachers, students and parents,
This weekend is the last week of 2020. Term 4 would end on the 7th December and 2021 Term 1 would start from 30/31 Jan 2021.
Before we finish this year, all the classes from year 1 to year 12 would review our achievements in 2020: Semester 2 student progress report would be presented to each student and awards such as the Student of the Year, Outstanding Student of the Year, Best Progress Award would be given to those who have made great achievements in 2020.
Re-enrolment for 2021 has started and you might have received the re-enrolment notice from your class teachers. For detailed information about our school calendar, classes offered and tuition fees price, please feel free to visit our website at https://xjs.vic.edu.au/assets/2020/11/XJS-Admission-Guide-Chinese-2021.pdf (Chinese version), https://xjs.vic.edu.au/assets/2020/11/XJS-Admission-Guide-2021.pdf (English version).
Please be aware that apart from the benefits for advanced payments, students who have remained with us in online learning in 2020 would receive an extra $30 deduction. For the health and safety concerns, parents are encouraged to pay tuition fees through online bank transfer. Please follow the instructions on the enrolment notice from your class teachers and provide Student Code when making the payment. If you have any questions, please send email to [email protected] or contact the campus principals or visit the Chinese offices on campus (please confirm the visiting venue and time in advance with campus principals). The Gym on the Mt Waverley (senior) campus would be open for enquiry for students from MWNPS, Year 1-12 students from MW senior and junior campus on 5/6 Dec and 12/13 Dec from 9:30am to 3:30pm. Any enquiry after 13 Dec 2020 would be accepted at the head office at Xin Jin Shan Chinese Library (13A Windsor Ave, Mt Waverley, Vic, 3149, contact number: 98881688). The head office would be closed from 25 Dec 2020 to 17 Jan 2021 and no enquiry would be accepted during the closure time.
Last weekend is the last week for our VCE 12 students. A special graduation ceremony was organised and each student was given a graduation certificate acknowledging their great dedication in VCE Chinese language learning. I would like to present my sincere appreciation and congratulation to all the students, parents and teachers who have made great efforts in this special year of 2020. You have made it! I hope all our VCE 12 students could make great achievements in their final VCE exams.
When I presented graduation certificates to these students, I have noticed that many of them have been with XJS for many years and their parents have supported their Chinese language learning for such long time. Early this year when I travelled to Philip Island I talked with the owner of a local restaurant Mr Ng who mentioned that his two sons had been graduated from XJS and both of them had gained great benefits from learning Chinese. Mr Ng said he believed that it was worthwhile sending his kids to XJS. I actually knew this family by knowing his wife Mrs. Ng. Every weekend, Mrs. Ng drove the two kids to our Mt Waverley campus traveling about 130 kms one way and she had to wake up at 5am to make sure the kids could arrive at our school on time. It was such a hard task and they persisted in doing so year by year. Mr Ng’s two sons in the end obtained great results in VCE Chinese exams and I’m very proud of them as part of our XJS students.
I believe the parents like Mr and Mrs Ng, the students like their sons and our excellent teacher team have made what we are today. In 2020 when COVID-19 has kept us at home most of the year, most students and parents have chosen to stay with us in remote learning and completed their learning tasks successfully. I would like to present my sincere appreciation to all the teachers, students and their parents for all the efforts they have made. In 2021, let’s work together again and keep on the Chinese language and culture learning.
I wish you a relaxed, healthy and safe Christmas and happy New Year. Let’s see you again in 2021.
Yours sincerely,
Kevin Hu