新金山中文学校校长信箱 (06/06/2024)Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language and Culture School Principal’s Message
(English version available in the end)
2024年巴拉瑞特龙舟节嘉年华由我校社区合作伙伴 — 澳洲华人专业人士俱乐部(CPCA)主办,澳洲巴拉瑞特澳中文化协会(CACSB)协办。此活动得到维多利亚州政府多元文化节庆活动计划的支持,对公众开放,旨在促进文化多样性和相互理解。
活动内容包括划龙舟体验、安塞腰鼓演出、文艺节目、太极表演,还有CPCA书法爱好者现场为观众免费书写对联、春联、大福字。你也可以提笔学习书写中国字。 此外,我们为前来观看的小朋友安排具有中国特色的宫扇绘画。他们可以挑选自己喜欢的图案,在宫扇上将图案临摹下来,并带回家去珍藏。届时还有招人喜爱的中国剪纸小龙展出并出售。
时间:6月15日(周六)上午10:30分 – 下午4点
地点:Durham Point, Lake Wendouree, Ballarat Vic 3350
参赛对象:12 – 20 岁学生(分12-15岁组,16-20岁组)
参赛方式:填写报名表,将作品发往指定邮箱:[email protected]
联系方式:[email protected] 电话:00860591-87620010
新金山中文学校是一所教育部认可的旨在保护儿童安全的社区语言学校,如果您对我校的有关儿童安全相关政策有任何疑问或建议,请登陆我校网站 https://xjs.vic.edu.au/child-safety/或致电98881688进行查询,也可发邮件至[email protected]
Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language and Culture School
Principal’s Message
Dear teachers, students and parents,
Due to the training requirements of DET to all community language teachers, the school has decided to organise a Curriculum Day on this coming Saturday. Therefore, there are no classes on both Saturday and Sunday (8/9 June). Please do not sent your child/ren to school this weekend. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Today, I would like to recommend you some activities in the coming weeks for your reference and students are more than welcome to participate.
1. 2024 Ballarat Dragon Boat Festival Carnival
The event is organized by our community partner – Chinese Professionals Club of Australia (CPCA) and supported by Chinese Australian Cultural Society Ballarat (CACSB). The event is open to public, supported by Multicultural Festival and Events Program of Victoria, aiming to promote multiculturalism and mutual understand among cultures.
The event includes dragon boat experience, Ansai waist drum play, entertaining performance and Taiji performance. CPCA Chinese calligraphy writers would write couplets and Fu characters for participants for free. You could also enjoy writing Chinese calligraphy yourself. Moreover, Chinese fan painting is also provided for children. They could trace and copy their favourite pictures on the Chinese fan and take it home as a collection. Paper-cutting Chinese dragons would also be available for sale onsite.
This is an out-going activity suitable for families experience traditional Chinese culture and customs.
Time: Saturday 15 June, 10:30am-4pm
Venue: Durham Point, Lake Wendouree, Ballarat Vic 3350
Registration: https://www.trybooking.com/CRKNB
2. The 3rd World Youth Photography and Short Video Competition
Theme of the event: Old Silk Road, Young in Cultures
Sub-theme: Intangible cultural heritage, Chinese cuisine, old Chinese architecture, ocean culture, ecological culture, stories of famous people
Organizer: Fuzhou People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries
Supporter: Xiamen University, College of International Chinese Education
Participants: Students aged 12-20 (in 12-15 group and 16-20 group)
Registration: fill in the registration form and send it to:
Requirements: original and not openly presented work. Plagiarism is prohibited.
For more details: https://silkroad.52hrtt.com/
Contact: [email protected] , 0086-0591-87620010
Due date: 31 August 2024
Moreover, there are some new Covid cases in the communities of Victoria. If you are tested positive or have any covid alike symptoms, stay at home during weekends.
I wish you a wonderful long weekend ahead and see you next weekend.
Yours sincerely,
Kevin Hu, Principal
Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language and Culture School is a DET-accredited Child Safe community language school. If you have any concern and suggestions regarding the school’s child safe policy, please feel free to visit https://xjs.vic.edu.au/child-safety/ or call us at 9888 1688 or email us at [email protected].