新金山中文学校校长信箱 (10/10/2024)Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language and Culture School Principal’s Message
(English version available in the end)
其次,第四学期将开始2025年的学生报名注册。我们学校将继续实行广受家长们欢迎的早鸟优惠政策(即,在2024年12月20日之前给孩子完成2025年注册,可享受全年学费优惠高达$200)。根据教育部的规定,2025年社区语言学校的学生注册时必须增加一个维多利亚州的学生编号(VSN)。家长可以在与学校的日常交流(如Compass APP)、报名信息确认和成绩报告中找到学生的VSN。因此,我在这里特请家长们配合,如果您的孩子目前在维州中小学上学的话,请向日校索要您孩子的VSN并交给您孩子的班主任老师(我们的班主任老师也会跟每一位家长联系,会登记在学生点名表内)。家长在给孩子做2025年注册报名时也请在网上报名表中提供VSN信息,学校会用这个VSN来核查您填写的信息是否有误。换句话说,使用VSN后学生注册及信息核查将会更加快捷、方便。
再有,在第四学期,在华人社区享有声誉的我校1-12年级各年级精英中文班将向社会开放招募精英中文学生。我校自2008年起率先在各年级开设精英中文班,面向华人社区公开招生,通过考试(免费)择优录取,并选派优秀教师执教。精英中文班注重学生 “听、说、读、写、看” 综合语言能力的训练和全面提高,遵循因材施教的原则,加上适当的补充教材和中文兴趣班会等,教学成果显著。历年来,精英中文班的学生在国际中文写作大赛中屡屡获奖,在VCE中文高考高分学生中年年占据多数。经过16年的历练,我校已经建立起一支稳定且经验丰富的精英中文教学的教师团队,在华人社区树立起了精英中文教学的口碑。因此,报考我校精英中文班成为了一个热门。但由于各年级精英班的招生有限额,请有意报考精英中文班的学生注意阅读我校精英中文部和VCE中文部即将公布的招生通知。
除此之外,我顺便跟大家报告一下,在刚刚过去的假期里,我校有28位师生参加了由中国侨联和福建省侨联主办,泉州市侨联、澳中青少年交流协会等协办的海外华裔青少年赴中国寻根之旅活动,在文化学习、旅游观光和品尝美食等收获满满(点击阅读寻根之旅活动详细报道)。我校早教学前部、精英中文部、Mt Waverley 总校、VCE中文部等的部分教师代表参加了学校组织举办的教师团建活动,在维多利亚乡村度过了愉快的一天。老师们互相交流经验并享受着大自然的造化之美,相信他们一定会满血复活投入到第四学期的教学之中。
新金山中文学校是一所教育部认可的旨在保护儿童安全的社区语言学校,如果您对我校的有关儿童安全相关政策有任何疑问或建议,请登陆我校网站 https://xjs.vic.edu.au/child-safety/或致电98881688进行查询,也可发邮件至[email protected]
Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language and Culture School
Principal’s Message
Dear teachers, students and parents,
Welcome back to school. Term 4 starts this weekend (12/13 Oct) and ends on 7/8 Dec.
2024 VCE final exams are coming soon. During the Term 3 break, our year 12 students have kept on working on VCE preparation in mock oral and written exam practices. I have witnessed their hard work during the whole time. Many students have actively practiced many times in mock oral exams and our teachers have treated every single student with extreme patience and expertise and have mentioned to me that they would love to take extra time helping those who are really dedicated to learning. I have also seen many parents accompanying their children for mock exams during the term break. They have sent their children to XJS for Chinese language learning as early as year 1 and they have supported and trusted our school for years. I sincerely appreciate their dedication of encouraging their children to learn Chinese language and culture for years. I have also talked with many students on campus while they are waiting for their turn for the mock exams or after they have completed their performance. They have shown full confidence in their VCE preparation and looked forward to the final exams (please click here for more details). VCE oral final exams are commencing this week. I wish our year 12 students all the best and hope they could perform as well as they can with a peaceful mind.
In Term 4, there are a couple of important issues I would like to share with you.
First, as usual, we would present Gold Medal and Silver Medal to students who have performed well in 2024 Chinese language learning among Year 1 to Year 11 classes. The proportional selection is based on the school’s relevant policies and students’ performance includes the end-of-term exams in Terms 1, 2 and 3, homework completion and class performance. Students who have worked hard in class and homework with considerable progress would be given Best Progress Award certificates for their efforts.
Second, 2025 enrolment would start in Term 4. Early Bird Benefit still applies. Students who have completed 2025 enrolment by 20 Dec 2024 would receive yearly tuition benefit as high as $200. As requested by DET, students need to provide their VSN (Victorias Student Number, a nine-digit number) from the mainstream schools when enrolling for 2025. Students in Victoria primary and secondary schools could see their own VSN in routine student communications (such as Compass APP), enrolment confirmations and academic reports. Our class teachers would contact parents for VSN in Term 4. When parents enrol children for 2025, please provide VSN in the enrolment form online. VSN would make it easier for the school to double check the information provided by students and parents.
Moreover, in Term 4, our Accelerated Chinese Program (ACP) 2025 selective entry tests are open to public soon. The program has been established since 2008 and well-trained teachers have provided tailor-designed support to students developing Chinese language skills of listening, speaking, reading, writing and viewing with abundant learning materials and fun class activities. In the past 16 years, students of ACP programs have won many prizes in the international writing competitions and their VCE Chinese results have been among the tops for years. XJS has now established a stable and veteran teaching team with excellent reputation in accelerated Chinese teaching. As the places for ACP program in each year level are very limited, please read our 2025 enrolment notices for ACP and VCE programs online which would be available soon.
In the end, I would also like to let you know the feedback from Chinese Culture Camp in Fujian China in the Term 3 school holiday. 28 students and teachers have participated the event organised by the All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, Fujian FROC, Quanzhou FROC and the Australia China Youth Exchange Association and obtained abundant experience in Chinese culture, arts and crafts and cuisine (please click here for the relevant reports). During the term break, our school teachers have joined a team-building activity visiting some countryside in Victoria and sharing their experience in teaching and life. I believe they would come back to Term 4 teaching and learning with full energy and passion.
I wish you all the best and let’s see you on campus on weekend.
Yours sincerely,
Kevin Hu, Principal
Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language and Culture School is a DET-accredited Child Safe community language school. If you have any concern and suggestions regarding the school’s child safe policy, please feel free to visit https://xjs.vic.edu.au/child-safety/ or call us at 9888 1688 or email us at [email protected].