新金山中文学校校长信箱 (02/03/2023)Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language and Culture School Principal’s Message
大家好 !今天要在这里给大家报告两件事:
2021年因全球新冠疫情严峻政府实施封城举措,所有学校统一在线上课。当年我校师生和家长们克服种种困难坚持在网上学习中文和中华文化,学生出勤率高达97%以上。2021年我校VCE12年级毕业班的学生在当年的高考中再次取得优异成绩,我校继续在维多利亚州名列前茅。其中,2位学生在VCE中文高考获得满分,3位中文成绩优异的学生获 “州长奖” ,36位学生考出40分以上的高分。此外,IB中文7位学生全部满分。
2022年我们返回了校园恢复了正常上课之后,学校给2022年度的最佳学生和优秀学生颁发金牌和银牌。奖牌发出后受到了师生和家长们的欢迎。为此,有学生、家长和老师向学校提出,能否给在2021年里被评为 “最佳学生” 和 “优秀学生” 称号的学生补发金牌、银牌,以便他们可永久收藏。学校充分肯定那些获奖的学生在疫情期间不仅坚持学习中文而且还取得了进步及好成绩,决定满足所有2023年仍在我校注册学习、在2021年获得 “最佳学生” 和 “优秀学生” 荣誉称号的学生们的要求,给他们补发2021年度最佳学生金牌和优秀学生银牌。
最后,还是要提醒家长们注意交通安全,尤其是在无限制的地方泊车避免受罚。我曾在早上在Mt Waverley 中学和其它几所学校的校区周围观察,发现交通高峰期堵车现象都很严重。但家长们表现出极大的耐心、忍耐和谦让精神,几乎没有发现按喇叭争吵的事,当然也就没有被拍照受罚的事。为了您和孩子的安全,不抢一秒。
新金山中文学校是一所教育部认可的旨在保护儿童安全的社区语言学校,如果您对我校的有关儿童安全相关政策有任何疑问或建议,请登陆我校网站 https://xjs.vic.edu.au/child-safety/或致电98881688进行查询,也可发邮件至[email protected]
Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language and Culture School
Principal’s Message
Dear teachers, students and parents,
I would like to talk about two important issues today.
First one is about the 2021 gold and silver medal receivers.
As you have known, due to covid-19 and lock-down in Victoria, we conducted remote learning in 2021 and all our teachers, students and parents took great efforts learning Chinese language and culture online with attendance record as high as 97%. In 2021, our year 12 students made great achievement in VCE final exams: 2 students got full-score in VCE Chinese, 3 students were granted VCE Premier’s Awards, 36 student got 40+ and all the 7 IB students got full-score in IB Chinese.
By the end of 2021, 393 students have been awarded Student of the Year for the excellent achievement in learning and 725 students have been awarded Outstanding Students who were expected to be given gold and silver medals separately as the tradition of the school. However, due to closing-down of the factory in 2021 caused by covid-19, they were given certificates instead to appreciate their achievements in Chinese language learning.
In 2022, when we resumed onsite learning we re-issued the gold and silver medal awards to students with great achievements in learning in 2022 which was largely applauded by students and parents. The proposal was then raised suggesting to re-issue 2021 gold and silver medals. To acknowledge the efforts students have made during covid while making great achievements in learning, we decide to re-issue gold and silver medals to Student of the Year and Outstanding Student receivers in 2021 who are still enrolled in 2023.
Please click here for the Student of the Year and Outstanding Student receiver list in 2021 and collect your medals in the Chinese office onsite if you are on the list. 2021 medals would be delivered to the relevant campuses and it is preferable if primary level class teachers could collect the medals for the students in their classes. I hope all the medal receivers could cherish the honour and keep on working hard in Chinese language and culture learning.
Second issue is about the test report of Hua Ce Test in 2021.
Year 3-9 students participated the Hua Ce Test, a new method of evaluating the Chinese language proficiency of students outside China in Chinese reading and understanding, organized by the College of Chinese Language and Culture, Jinan University in China. 2415 students participated the Level 1-Level 4 tests, including 1387 students in Level 1 (57.43% of all the participants), 595 students in Level 2 (24.64%), 392 students in Level 3 (16.23%) and 41 students in Level 4 (1.7%).
All the completed test papers were sent to China as requested by the organizer when the test was over. As this is the first time we organize Hua Ce Test at XJS, it has taken the College of Chinese Language and Culture great efforts to mark over 2400 answer sheets of our school, prepare test result statements for each participant and present test analysis report for the school.
I would like to report to you our students’ performance in Hua Ce compared with those in other countries.
Among 1387 students who have entered Level 1 test, 993 students have been given Hua Ce Level 1 certificates, about 71.59% students having passed the level test compared to the passing rate of 51.67% world widely, 11.92% higher than world-wide passing rate.
Among 595 students who have entered Level 2 test, 183 students have been given Hua Ce Level 2 certificates, about 30.76% students having passed the level test compared to the passing rate of 28.13% world widely, 2.63% higher than world-wide passing rate.
Among 392 students who have entered Level 3 test, 167 students have been given Hua Ce Level 3 certificates, about 40.60% students having passed the level test compared to the passing rate of 21.37% world widely, 21.23% higher than world-wide passing rate.
Among 41 students who have entered Level 4 test, 25 students have been given Hua Ce Level 4 certificates, about 60.98% students having passed the level test compared to the passing rate of 16.46% world widely, 44.52% higher than world-wide passing rate.
We have noticed from the test report that the reading levels of our year 3-9 students have out-performed those world-widely which is a great encouragement for our students and parents. I hope you could keep on learning Chinese language and culture and maintain our roots of Chinese culture.
In the end, I would remind parents again about the parking rules around the campus to avoid unnecessary parking fines. I have been investigating the areas around MWSC and some other schools and noticed that traffic jam is quite serious during peak times. However, I have noticed that parents have presented great patience and respect to other drivers and there is nearly no sign of honking or being taken photos for illegal parking.
Autumn is coming and it’s getting colder recently. Please keep warm and well and let’s see you on campus this weekend.
Yours sincerely,
Kevin Hu, Principal