新金山中文学校校长信箱(07052020)Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language and Culture School Principal’s Message
“爱自心中开,歌从云端来 – 新金山中文学校2019年度高考表彰大会“将在5月9日/10日(本周六/周日)上午10:15分正式开播,整个仪式大约6分钟。这是我校历史上的第一次,欢迎全校老师、同学和家长们届时一起观看、一起分享学好中文的快乐:
此外,我校还有一项传统是每年组织学生赴中国开展文化寻根之旅,学习中华文化知识和技能,促进中文学习。去年我们与澳大利亚宁波同乡会联合组织了45位师生赴杭州、余姚和宁波等地参加寻根之旅活动,取得了圆满成功。今年虽受疫情影响无法成行,但中国侨联推出一项新的帮助海外华裔青少年学习中华文化、学好中文的活动 — “亲情中华,为你讲故事”的网上夏令营。我们可以在澳大利亚通过每天观看2个10分钟的视频参加这个活动。故事主要由“凯叔讲故事”提供,内容涵盖说文解字、姓氏起源、成语寓言、名著名人、人文地理、风景名胜、历史溯源、防疫知识等。按照学生年龄分组进行。
Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language and Culture School
Principal’s Message
Dear teachers, students and parents,
I would like to inform you a very good news of the school regarding VCE students. Normally, in Term 1, a VCE ceremony would be organized to present awards to students who achieved high scores in VCE exams in previous year. In 2019, 96 students gained outstanding scores in VCE Chinese First Language, Second Language and Second Language Advance and IB Chinese (all of our 6 students achieved full score in IB Chinese). Among these outstanding students, 15 students got 99+ in ATAR and 3 students were granted the Premier’s VCE Awards as Top All-Round VCE High Achievers.
It has been the school’s tradition to present awards to the previous year’s VCE high achievers where they would share their experience and learning tips with current VCE students. Due to the COVID-19, we have decided to transfer the ceremony online this year, inviting the VCE high achievers and their teachers to sing a song together “Tomorrow Will be Better” while presenting the gold medals of the 96 students and encourage all the VCE students this year to work hard and work together.
The virtual ceremony for 2019 VCE high achievers would be available online at 10:15am on 9/10 May (Sat/Sun). The ceremony is about 6 minutes and it is the first time we organize the VCE ceremony online. You are more than welcome to join us at https://youtu.be/R4-LOpYyKQs.
Each year, the school has another tradition, organizing students to participate in Chinese culture camp visiting Chinese cities and experiencing authentic Chinese culture. Last year, 45 students and teachers visited Hangzhou, Yuyao and Ningbo and the culture trip turned out to be another success. This year, the Chinese Culture Camp turns to be an online event as well. Participants are expected to watch two 10-minute videos each day on Chinese history, culture, tradition and tourist sites. The activity is free of charge. Please feel free to read the relevant information in details at https://xjs.vic.edu.au/2020chineseculturecamp/.
I would like again to appreciate the efforts all the teachers, students and parents have taken in online learning and last week 97% students attended our online classes. Good job!
Let’s meet at the virtual classes on this weekend.
Yours sincerely,
Kevin Hu
Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language and Culture School