新金山中文学校校长信箱(15052020)Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language and Culture School Principal’s Message
新金山中文学校校长信箱 15052020
这里,还要跟大家讲一讲上个星期公布的中国侨联主办的帮助海外华裔青少年学习中华文化、学好中文的活动 — “亲情中华,为你讲故事”的网上夏令营。活动以故事为主并配有一些视频,由“凯叔讲故事”提供,内容涵盖说文解字、姓氏起源、成语寓言、名著名人、人文地理、风景名胜、历史溯源、防疫知识等。
Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language and Culture School
Principal’s Message
Dear teachers, students and parents,
I would like to let you know that following the advice from the Victorian Chief Health Officer, the Victorian Government has announced that students, teachers and support staff can return to face-to-face teaching by two stages and students in Prep, Grade 1 and Grade 2 and VCE11 and VCE 12 will return to school from Tuesday 26 May. Grade 3 to Grade will return to school from 9 June.
As the COVID-19 is not totally clear, $45 million would be provided to mainstream schools for professional cleaning and sanitising in the rest of Term 2 and all of Term 3. Unfortunately, community language schools are not given any financial support for the professional cleaning and sanitising. Therefore, after serious consideration, the School Council has decided that we would keep on online learning till the end of Term 2. How we would deliver teaching in Term 3 will depend on the further advice from DET and the development of COVID-19. Considering the special learning requirements of VCE year 12 students, we would make specific arrangements for them based on the requirements of DET and VCAA.
I understand that many parents are presenting their concerns about the development of COVID-19 and I would like to let you know we put the health and safety of all our teachers and students as our most priority. I would like to take this opportunity to present my sincere appreciation to all the teachers, students and their parents for their continuous support for our school. Last weekend, over 5200 students attended the online classes with 97% attendance rate.
I would also like to share with you a bit more information about the Online Chinese Culture Camp announced last week. Participants of the online camp would learn Chinese language stories, origins of Chinese family names, Chinese fables, stories and histories of Chinese famous sites of interest etc through video and audio footages. We are informed that the camp could be set up if there are over 40 participants. Out of my surprise, over 500 students have submitted the registration forms in the last couple of days. With the permission of the organiser in China, all the students meeting the requirements would be accepted this time. We are now busily collecting and proofing the information and it would take a bit of time. Once all the information is confirmed, we would send out notification to the participants. The event timetable is: 14-28 June (Age 6-13 group) and 29 June -13 July (Age 14-18 group). For the students out of the age range, we would try to share the camp activities with them later.
More information about the return to school and COVID-19 can be found on the Department’s website, which will continue to be updated:
See you later in Virtual Classrooms this weekend.
Yours sincerely,
Kevin Hu