新金山中文学校校长信箱(19062020)Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language and Culture School Principal’s Message
从网上夏令营开营几天来的情况看,大部分学生在家长的帮助下每天积极参加“打卡”,完成小任务,并且交出了非常出色的好作业。我注意到,有学生因为年龄小和家长无法提供中文辅助受困惑,也有学生觉得网上夏令营每天提供的四个故事内容浅问题太简单。这是正常的情况,坚持参与总会有收获的,我们的班主任老师也会照常提供帮助的。现在29位夏令营班主任老师每天要花好几个小时组织管理班级,他们表现出高度的认真和负责任的工作态度。我要给所有的老师们点赞。令人可喜的是,在网上夏令营开营仪式上,各个校区的50多位各个班级的营员代表们的发言个个相当棒,他们通过视频发表的对夏令营期待的演讲水平高,也反映出我校的中文教学质量好。我要给所有的学生们点赞。再有,40多位家长的发言也很精彩,他们对中华文化的理解,对海外华裔青少年如何传承中华优秀文化的重视,对中国侨联举办的此次 “亲情中华. 为你讲故事”网上夏令营活动的认可和参与,以及他们对我们中文学校和老师们的信任和支持,再次表明了我们的家长们素质高。我也要给所有的家长们点赞。
Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language and Culture School
Principal’s Message
Dear teachers, students and parents,
This coming weekend is the last week of Term 2 and school holiday starts from 22 June except for Noble Park and Brighton campuses where students are expected to have their last week of learning for Term 2 on 27/28 June. Term 3 starts on 11/12 July and ends on 19/20 September.
Considering the health and safety of our teachers, students and parents, we would keep on online learning in Term 3 based on the instructions from DET. We would not go back to school until the COVID-19 is eased and all our teachers are now ready for both online learning and face-to-face learning if required. VCE 11 and 12 students are permitted to go back to school in Term 3 if the mainstream schools from whom we rent classrooms allow us to do so. Therefore, all the VCE 11 and 12 students are expected to follow the instructions from their teachers of the campus.
In Term 3, students are expected to have new exercise books (or textbooks). However, as some mainstream schools do not allow us to use their campuses in Term 3 due to hygiene concerns, we have to find another suitable place and time to hand out exercise books and textbooks. Please follow the instructions from your campus (especially the book collection time and venue) and thank you for your understanding.
Last Sunday (14 June), 760 students participated in the Online Chinese Culture Camp and there would be 120 more students join the camp from 29 June. It seems that most students were able to accomplish the learning tasks everyday with their parents’ help and performed really well. However, there were some students who found the learning tasks either too difficult or too easy for them. I have to say it’s quite normal during your learning journey and you will benefit from this journey as long as you keep on doing it and our teachers would try their best to support you. Our volunteer teachers took several hours everyday providing supports to students and working really hard to make sure students benefit from the activities. I would like to present my sincere appreciation to all the participated teachers. On the Opening Ceremony of the event, over 50 students made a speech presenting their wishes and expectations for the event. I was really impressed by their level of Chinese speaking skills. Over 40 parents also presented their understanding on Chinese culture learning, their appreciation for the organizers of the event in China and for the contribution of all the volunteer teachers and their support on children’s Chinese language learning. I would like to give a big thumb to all our parents.
When I look back at the time we’ve gone through in Term 1 and Term 2, I’ve realized how hard our teachers, students and parents have worked to make the transaction from face-to-face learning to online learning successful and how strong our bonds between parents and teachers are at this very difficult time. I am very proud of every one of you in our school community. I would like to say thank you to all of you and I believe we would see each other again on campus when the COVID-19 is eased.
I wish you a happy and safe school holiday. Let’s see you again online on 11/12 July.
Best regards,
Kevin Hu, Principal
Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language and Culture School