Mt Waverley 校区泊车重要通知
我今天专门给大家写信要谈谈我们Mt Waverley总校面临的一个很重要的交通问题。最近,周围邻居不仅跟日校校长、跟我本人,还跟市政府反映,说我们的家长在周末接送孩子时造成交通严重堵塞。尤其是中午放学的时候,家长们的车停在居民区不可停车的地方,甚至是居民家的车道上。邻居说有的家长经提醒后离开了,有的家长根本不听照样停着。因此,邻居们要求我们立刻采取措施改变不良泊车行为。
- 不要在不可停车的地方停车,尤其是体育馆对面居民密集的Dart Ct和Hovea Ct两条小街(非居民任何时候不可停车的);
- 我们开放了校园内的停车场给家长泊车(注意:校内行车限速5公里);
- 或者请停车在Lechte Rd和Gordon Rd离开校区不到30米处(有大量无时间限制的停车位)。
Parking Notice for Mt Waverley Campus
Dear parents,
I’m writing to you regarding the parking issues raised on the Mt Waverley campus. In the last few weeks, local residents have reported our school to the Principals of MWSC, the local city council and me complaining the traffic jam caused by our parents on weekends, especially during picking-up time when some parents have parked cars in non-parking spaces and even on driveways of local residents. They have claimed that some parents have moved their cars after being reminded and some just have remained ignored. Therefore, the residents have urged us to take immediate actions to stop this unacceptable parking behaviour.
I would like to let you know that most of the residents near our Mt Waverley campus are very supportive to our school. A couple of years ago, a parent drove into a resident’s fence by accident and stopped just in front of the house. When I arrived at the scene, what the owner of the house concerned first was whether the driver got injured and shocked. What a friendly neighbour we have! They have been living in this area for many years and have witnessed our development in the past 30 years. They have been impressed on how Chinese Australian cherish the heritage of the Chinese language and culture. An old saying goes that a near neighbour is better than a distant cousin. I believe you agree on how important it is to have a good neighbour with you.
Our parents have made great efforts giving ways to other drivers and pedestrians. However, as we are not allowed to supervise the traffic outside the campus based on the requirements of the city council, please be minded:
- DO NOT park in non-parking spaces, especially on Dart Ct and Hovea Ct (residential ONLY) ;
- We have made the parking area on campus accessible for parents (5-kilo speed limit rule applies);
- Or you could park about 30 metres away from the campus on Lechte Rd and Gordon Rd (abundant parking spaces with no parking time limit).
Thank you very much for your continuous support and let’s work together to create a safe and pleasant learning environment for the students.
Best regards,
Kevin Hu, Principal
Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language and Culture School