新金山中文学校校长信箱 19/08/2021
疫情反复无常带来不断封城,给我们的日常生活带来诸多不便。目前情况之下,只有接种疫苗才有可能让社区恢复正常。我相信,我们的老师和家长们也都一定在思考这样的问题。我们有位热心家长Dr. Shera Leonny 向学校提供了一个信息,我在这里给大家介绍一下:Dr Leonny联系了维州女性健康多元文化中心疫情信息交流顾问Cathy He女士,了解到该中心正在做一个由维多利亚州卫生部资助,面向多元文化社区(多种语言服务)介绍接种新冠疫苗益处的“疫情之声”项目,科普、解惑,鼓励大家消除顾虑,积极接种疫苗。我今天与Cathy He 女士通了电话,她说他们有专业的医生和社工,尤其是可以用中文普通话跟大家交流。她说他们很乐意为我们学校社区的所有老师和家长们提供最可靠、最合适的疫苗相关信息和咨询。我们学校计划跟他们合作,给老师和家长举办一场疫苗接种信息咨询网络专场。Cathy He 女士表示,如果家长们能事先把自己的担忧、疑惑和问题告诉他们,那么专家们的讲解将会更有针对性。因此,我请家长写电邮,我们代为转告,电邮请发:[email protected]。
此外,长期封城一定会给我们大家带来不小的精神压力。疫情期间,您或您的家庭如需倾述或获得援助,以下几个热线供您参考(英文服务,如需中文翻译,请先拨打13 14 50 再转线):
Kids Helpline 儿童援助服务热线:1800 551 800
Beyond Blue 精神健康服务热线:1300 224 636
Headspace 青少年精神健康服务热线:1800 650 890
还有,ReachOut 青少年和家庭精神健康网络服务:www.au.reachout.com
Care Leavers Australasia Network (CLAN) 照顾者支援网络:1800 008 774
新金山中文学校是一所旨在保护儿童安全的社区语言学校,如果您对我校的有关儿童安全相关政策有任何疑问或建议,请登陆我校网站 https://xjs.vic.edu.au/child-safety/或致电98881688进行查询,也可发邮件至[email protected]
Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language and Culture School
Principal’s Message
Dear teachers, students and parents,
The Premier Daniel Andrews announced on Monday (16 August) an extension to Melbourne’s lockdown until 11:59pm Thursday 2 September and the introduction of tighter restrictions such as a curfew from 9pm to 5am every day and closure of playgrounds. Therefore, we would continue our remote learning and hope all of teachers, students and parents could follow the relevant regulations.
The ups and downs of the Covid crisis has caused us lots of difficulties and it seems only the Covid-19 vaccines could return our community back to normal. I believe many teachers and parents are thinking about it too. Recently a parent Dr. Shera Leonny gave us some information I would like to share with you here. Dr. Leonny contacted the Cathy He, the COVID-19 Communications & Engagement Advisor of Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health and was informed that a program, Vaccine Voice, is funded by Victorian Department of Health (DoE) and aims to promote trust and confidence in COVID-19 vaccine uptake among Chinese community. I called Ms. He today and was told that Aphra registered healthcare professionals from the organization would be very happy to deliver the most reliable and appropriate vaccine-related information to Chinese community in Mandarin. Our school plans work with them to organise a Zoom session regarding Covid-19 vaccination. Ms. He invites us to raise the concerns and questions to them in advance for better preparation for the information session. Please feel free to email us at [email protected] with your questions and concerns regarding vaccination and we would forward them to Ms. He for her reference.
I understand that the extended lockdown has brought lots of pressure to yourself and your family. If you have any concerns or need any support during lockdown, please contact the following hotlines (if you need translation service, call 13 14 50 first before transferring to the following hotlines):
Kids Helpline (for kids support): 1800 551 800
Beyond Blue (for mental health support): 1300 224 636
Headspace (National Youth Mental Health Foundation):1800 650 890
ReachOut (for youth and family mental health support): www.au.reachout.com
Care Leavers Australia Network (CLAN) (for carers support): 1800 008 774
Take care of each other and see you online this weekend.
Yours sincerely,
Kevin Hu, Principal