新金山中文学校校长信箱 (05/10/2023)Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language and Culture School Principal’s Message
在刚刚过去的假期中还有一件事特别值得跟大家报告一下:我校30位师生受邀与澳中青少年交流协会一起赴中国福建省泉州市参加了“世遗泉州,悦见丰泽”海外华裔青少年文化寻根活动。师生们在前后13天旅程里,探秘真武庙、老君岩、江口码头,感受古城魅力;在蟳埔渔村体验泉州蟳埔女习俗与 “海丝” 风情;探访博物馆、海交馆、华侨历史博物馆,重温侨乡文化历史,涵养民族精神和情怀。他们还学唱南音,学做提线木偶,跟少林武僧学练南拳武术,研学南靖土楼,游览泉州、厦门两座城市的历史人文和秀丽风光,充分体验了中华文化的博大精深。活动取得了圆满成功,希望了解本次寻根之旅活动每天的亮点、营员和领队的体会以及家长们的反馈感想,请点击。
第四学期第二周的星期六(10月14日)是澳大利亚为“原住民议会之声”全民公投日,所有年龄18岁以上的公民都必须参加投票,不参加者将受到罚款处罚。我校租用的Mt Waverley 中学已被明确为投票站。为保障校园安全,学校决定10月14日在Mt Waverley 中学校区上课的所有1-11年级(包括普通中文班和精英中文班)班级统一网上教学,12年级毕业班实体课不变(教学区加强安保不对外开放)。早教学前部在Mt Waverley North小学照常实体课不变。
线上教学统一使用Zoom 课堂。学校为每位教师注册了Zoom 课堂使用账户,但是目前Zoom课堂使用的时间被设定为每次40分钟。因此,希望大家听从班主任老师的安排,及时进入Zoom课堂。感谢大家的理解和配合!
新金山中文学校是一所教育部认可的旨在保护儿童安全的社区语言学校,如果您对我校的有关儿童安全相关政策有任何疑问或建议,请登陆我校网站 https://xjs.vic.edu.au/child-safety/或致电98881688进行查询,也可发邮件至[email protected]
Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language and Culture School
Principal’s Message
Dear teachers, students and parents,
Our Term 4 starts from this weekend (7/8 October). There will be 9 weeks in Term 4. The end-of-exam would be scheduled in week 8 (25/26 November) and the last week of Term 4 is on 2/3 December.
During Term 3 break, year 12 students had classes as usual and mock oral VCE exams had been arranged for them and nearly 100% had attended the holiday classes. I would like to present my sincere appreciation to all year 11 and 12 teachers for their hard work and contributions.
I talked with some year 12 students onsite about their preparation for the mock oral exams and noticed that they were well prepared and very confident about the exams which is very commendable. For language learning, practice makes perfect. XJS would try every effort to prepare them for the final VCE exams. I wish them all the best and hope they could achieve good results.
I would also like to share with you that in the Term 3 break 30 XJS students were invited to attend the Chinese Culture Camp – Quanzhou Camp in Fujian, China with Australia China Youth Exchange Association. During the journey of 13 days, they have visited various places learning the local history and culture in Quanzhou, understanding the western and eastern culture exchange in Fengze and enjoyed interactive projects such as learning Shaolin Kongfu, making Chinese lanterns and singing songs with local dialects. The event has deepened their understanding in Chinese culture and encouraged them to get more in Chinese language learning. If you would like to know more about their experience in Quanzhou, China, please click here.
2023 Australian Indigenous Voice referendum is scheduled on Saturday 14 October (week 2) and it is compulsory for all the Australian citizens over 18 are to cast their votes. The senior campus of MWSC is one of the voting sites. For our students’ security concerns, it’s decided that all the year 1-11 classes (including MS and MJ classes) would be delivered online. Year 12 classes would be conducted onsite with more yard duty staff on the day. All the classes on the MWNPS campus would be conducted onsite as usual.
All the online classes would be delivered with Zoom. All the teachers would use their own Zoom account to deliver the classes. However, the class time limit is 40 minutes per session. Please follow your class teachers’ instructions and enter your Zoom class as soon as possible. Your understanding and cooperation is much appreciated.
In Term 4, we would present Student of the Year and Outstanding Student awards based on students’ performance throughout the year. 2024 enrolment would be available in mid-November. You are more than welcome to stay with XJS for Chinese language learning. The enrolment notice would be available soon.
Welcome back to school and see you on campus this weekend.
Yours sincerely,
Kevin Hu, Principal
Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language and Culture School is a DET-accredited Child Safe community language school. If you have any concern and suggestions regarding the school’s child safe policy, please feel free to visit https://xjs.vic.edu.au/child-safety/ or call us at 9888 1688 or email us at [email protected].