新金山中文学校校长信箱 (06/10/2022)Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language and Culture School Principal’s Message
第一,请所有在Mt Waverley总校高中部流动房区上课的早教、学前,1-3年级的学生家长们注意:
Mt Waverley中学和我校接Mt Waverley中学科技大楼建筑公司的通知,因施工及保障师生安全的需要,本学期学校在Gordon Road上的7号门被关闭,那里的停车场暂停使用。我知道,这肯定给家长们带来一定的困难。我相信,家长们也会明了新建日校校舍也会使到我们将来受益。恳切希望家长们与我们一起克服这个暂时的困难。
请家长们将车泊在Gordon Road 路上,以及与Gordon Road 相交的Headingley Road 和Leeds Road 上(距离100米至200米),然后带孩子从Gordon Road 上的8号门或者Beaufort Street 上的6号门进入校区(请注意:务必停在无时间限制的车位上)。你也可以从Lechte Road 的1号门进入校区停车,或者穿越校区在流动房区将孩子放下,然后离开(请注意:校内限速5公里/小时)。
因Mt Waverley初中部大草坪修复工程和师生安全的需要,本学期初中部后门(Kalmia Ave 4号门入口)暂停使用。这给教师泊车和部分家长送送孩子带来困难。请大家将车停靠在初中部两边的Flame St和Monomeith Cres,以及初中部对面的Marianne Way、Simpson Dr、Jacqueline Rd 和Marsham Rd 上(请注意:务必注意泊车限制事项,过马路务必注意红绿灯)。
泊车安全是家长与家长、家长与邻居,以及更重要的孩子安全的重要保障。Mt Waverley 中学校长、Mt Waverley 警察局长和Monash市政府议员对此特别关注,他们对我校数以百计的家长每个周末把孩子送来学中文、保持中华文化表示高度肯定,相信我们一定能表现出良好的素质,遵守交通法规和停车限制规定,顺利度过本学期泊车困难这个难关。如果您有什么建议和想法欢迎与学校联系,请发电邮:[email protected]。
新金山中文学校是一所教育部认可的旨在保护儿童安全的社区语言学校,如果您对我校的有关儿童安全相关政策有任何疑问或建议,请登陆我校网站 https://xjs.vic.edu.au/child-safety/或致电98881688进行查询,也可发邮件至[email protected]
Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language and Culture School
Principal’s Message
Dear teachers, students and parents,
Term 4 starts from this weekend (8/9 October). The VCE final exams are approaching and many of our Year 12 students are participating or are going to participate the VCE final oral exams. During the school holiday, they never stopped their learning and participated the mock oral exams within the school. We wish them all the best in the VCE final written and oral exams.
In the last term of the year, there will be VCE Unit 2 tests for year 11 students and end-of-year tests for all the other year levels (except early-learning and prep classes). Selective entry tests would also be scheduled for 2023 Accelerated Chinese Program and students and parents are more than welcome to visit our school website for test notice and test registration details.
In this term, Student of The Year, Outstanding Student Award and Best Progress Award would be selected for each year level from Year 1 to Year 12 based on their performance and behaviour. The golden and silver medals would be presented to these out-performed students this year.
Moreover, there is another important notice regarding parking on the senior campus of MWSC and back gate closure on the junior campus of MWSC.
- Parents of early-learning, prep and year 1-3 classes are to be aware that we’ve been informed by the construction company who is responsible for renovating MWSC that due to the safety concern on the construction sites of senior campus, the Gate 7 on the Gordon Rd would be closed in Term 4 and the parking spots near the gate would be closed as well. I understand that it would bring much trouble for our parents. I also believe parents would understand future benefits students could enjoy when the new building is completed. I wish we could work together to get through this temporary difficulty.
Parents could park along the Gorden Rd, Headingley Rd or Leeds Rd (about 100 to 200 metres away) and walk your child/dren through Gate 8 on Gorden Rd or Gate 6 on Beaufort St (please park on the unlimited parking spots). Parents could also drive in through Gate 1 on Lechte Rd and park onsite or drive through the campus (speed limit: 5km/h), drop off your child/dren and then drive out of the campus.
- Parents of Junior campus students are to be aware that due to the safety concerns the back gate of Junior Campus of MWSC (Gate 4 on Kalmia Ave) would be closed temporarily in Term 4 which would bring difficulty while they dropping off and picking up children on the junior campus. Please park along the Flame St and Monomeith Crescent on the two sides of junior campus or on Marianne Way, Simpson Dr, Jacqueline Rd or Marsham Rd opposite to the junior campus (please observe the parking regulations on the roads and pay attention to traffic lights when crossing the roads).
Parking safety is critical for parents, local residents and more importantly for your child/ren. The Principal of MWSC, the Chief Police Officer of Mt Waverley and councillors of Monash City Council have raised great concern on the parking safety around the campus of MWSC. They have appreciated our parents for sending children to school on weekends learning Chinese language and culture for years and believe we could observe all the traffic and parking rules and get through this difficulty of the term together. If you have any concerns or feedbacks, please feel free to email us at [email protected].
May you happy and healthy in Spring. Let’s see you on campus this weekend.
Yours sincerely,
Kevin Hu, Principal