根据目前维州疫苗接种的情况来看,我们希望第四学期全校师生能返校上课,我们的老师们也已经做好了准备。这里,我要特别感谢热心家长Neil Chen先生,经他介绍,澳大利亚Charming Woods Pty Ltd公司CEO Quinee Xu 女士,向我校和东区、西区、云登中文学校全校师生赠送了几千瓶免洗消毒液。当我们重返校园时,所有师生将会人人有一瓶小规格的免洗消毒液,每个教室将会有一瓶大规格的免洗消毒液,用于师生洗手消毒防止病菌传播,保障校园的健康安全。请允许我代表大家向Charming Woods Pty Ltd公司和CEO Quinee Xu 女士表示由衷的感谢!
收笔之际,读到澳大利亚统计局给社区语言学校的信,信中希望我们转告所有老师和家长,凡因语言因素没有在8月10日规定日完成今年全澳人口普查登记的,务必请通过翻译电话131 450跟统计局联系寻求得到帮助。
新金山中文学校/MCHW 2021年9月10日
新金山中文学校是一所旨在保护儿童安全的社区语言学校,如果您对我校的有关儿童安全相关政策有任何疑问或建议,请登陆我校网站 https://xjs.vic.edu.au/child-safety/或致电98881688进行查询,也可发邮件至[email protected]
Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language and Culture School
Principal’s Message
Dear teachers, students and parents,
I would like to inform you that our Term 3 would end on this coming Sunday 12 September and Term 4 would start on 9/10 October. I would like to present my sincere appreciation here to all our teachers, students, parents, volunteers and school community members for your great efforts and support at this very difficult time and we have accomplished the teaching tasks of Term 3 with combination of onsite and remote learning (VCE Year 12 students might need to have extra classes arranged later to reach the requirements of VCAA. Please refer to the notice from VCE sector for details).
Based on the current vaccination rate in Victoria, we hope to return to onsite learning in Term 4 and our teachers have made relevant preparation if it is the case. Today I would like to present special appreciation to a parent Mr. Neil Chen who has introduced Ms. Quinee Xu, the CEO of Charming Woods Pty Ltd to our school. The company has donated several thousands of hand sanitizers to XJS, Eastern Chinese Language School, Western Chinese Language School and Werribee Chinese Language School. When we return to onsite learning, every teacher and student would have a small bottle of hand sanitizer and there would be a big bottle in each classroom as well. Please allow me to present our sincere appreciation to Charming Woods Pty Ltd and Ms. Xu for their generous donation to stop the virus and protect the health of our school community.
Furthermore, many parents have registered to attend the information session on vaccination with relevant concerns raised. We would pass these concerns to the health experts who would respond to them during the meeting. Please see the notice below again and register yourself if you haven’t done so.
Recently, we have received emails from Australian Bureau of Statistics reminding that if anyone who hasn’t completed the 2021 Census by 10 August due to language limits, he/she could call contact ABS through 131450 for translation support.
Wish you a safe and relaxed school holiday. See you in Term 4.
Yours sincerely,
Kevin Hu
Information Session: Vaccine and Our Life
The Covid-19 cases in Victoria is still spiking and the pressure of mass vaccination is getting intense. For various reasons, community members are still having many concerns regarding vaccination. An information session on vaccination would be conducted on Thursday 23 September and Aphra registered healthcare expert would deliver the most reliable and appropriate vaccine-related information to Chinese community in Mandarin.
(This information session is authorized and funded by Victorian Department of Health and please allow us to present our appreciation to DH.)
Time: Thursday 23 September (7:30pm-8:30pm)
Form/Language of meeting: Online/Mandarin
Participants: Teachers, parents and family members of XJS school community (with registration)
Registration: Please click the link https://forms.gle/Shar2BuLPX3yyk3L9
(Registration is due on 15 September. The online meeting link would be sent out on 20 September.)
XJS Chinese School/ MCHW
10 September 2021