新金山中文学校校长信箱 (12/05/2023)Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language and Culture School Principal’s Message
2020年起,因全球疫情寻根之旅活动不得不停止,但中国侨联即时推出面向全球华裔青少年的 “亲情中华. 为你讲故事“网上夏令营活动,通过线上听故事、看视频,了解民风民俗、观赏名胜古迹和营员自己打卡、做作业、才艺表演等形式,帮助海外华裔青少年在疫情居家期间继续学习中文和中华文化。网上夏令营活动12天左右,受到我校师生、家长们的欢迎,从2020年至2022年我校组织学生分别参加了广东、浙江、福建、广西、北京等省市举办的网上夏令营活动,平均每年参加人数800多位,其中有近200位同学被评为” 优秀营员 “(根据侨联的规定,网上夏令营优秀营员在报名参加寻根之旅活动时优先安排,优秀班主任在申请担任领队时也将优先安排)。
新金山中文学校是一所教育部认可的旨在保护儿童安全的社区语言学校,如果您对我校的有关儿童安全相关政策有任何疑问或建议,请登陆我校网站 https://xjs.vic.edu.au/child-safety/或致电98881688进行查询,也可发邮件至[email protected]
Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language and Culture School
Principal’s Message
Dear teachers, students and parents,
As you have known from our previous Principal’s Message, the All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese has decided to resume onsite Chinese Culture Camp in China from July 2023. The news has attracted great attention of students and parents and we have received quite a few enquiries regarding registration, which shows that the event is largely applauded and it is the perfect timing for ACFROC to resume the event.
I would like to give you more information today about the Chinese Culture Camp in China. The purpose of the event is to provide youngsters outside China authentic experience in Chinese culture and arts, places of history, Chinese cuisine to encourage them to play the roles of culture exchange ambassadors. The duration of the event is about 12 days when youngsters outside China would have the opportunity to experience Chinese culture and understand the society of China with their own eyes. XJS has organised students to participate in Chinese Culture Camp from 2011 to 2019 visiting Shanghai, Guangdong, Hunan, Henan, Yunan, Anhui, Fujian, Hebei, Tianjing and Zhejiang etc and each year about 80 students have benefited from the event.
In 2020, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the event had to be withheld and a new online Chinese Culture Camp was organised by ACFROC and participants were expected to listen to Chinese stories online, watch videos about Chinese history and places of interest and complete relevant learning tasks while they were doing remote learning. The 12-day event was also welcomed by students and parents. From 2020-2022 we have organised about 800 students each year to participate Guangdong Camp, Zhejiang Camp, Fujian Camp, Guangxi Camp and Beijing Camp etc and about 200 students have been awarded “Excellent Participant“ (according to ACFROC, the Excellent Participant receivers would have the priority to be accepted in Chinese Culture Camp in China and “Excellent Supervisor” receivers would have the priority to be accepted as Camp Leaders in in Chinese Culture Camp in China).
The online and onsite Chinese Culture Camp share the same purpose of encouraging Chinese culture learning among youngsters outside China. This year, we would still run online Chinese Culture Camp in semester 1 and the Chinese Culture Camp in China would be organised in semester 2. Due to the limited places for the onsite event, the Chinese Culture Camp in China is only accessible for students over 12 years old and would prioritise to those who have been awarded Excellent Participant in online Chinese Culture Camp.
If you haven’t participated in online Chinese Culture Camp, you have the opportunity to enrol now by clicking here.
The online and onsite Chinese Culture Camp events are non-for-profit. The main cost of Chinese Culture Camp in China includes international flight, international travel insurance and administration costs (according to ACFROC, every ten students should be accompanied by a leading non-parent adult). The costs including learning, travelling and accommodation in China would be covered by ACFROC. All the participants and camp leaders name list would be reported to ACFROC for approval.
Up to now, we have been given 20 places to participate in the Chinese Culture Camp in Fujian in September during Term 3 school holiday. Moreover, as we have actively participated in the online Chinese Culture Camp organised by Zhejiang Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese (including Yuyao Camp, Cixi Camp and Xiangshan Camp, etc) and Chinese Character Chess Competition and Chinese Handwriting Competition organised by Ningbo Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, we now get 30 places to join Chinese Culture Camp in Ningbo during Term 2 school holiday (for our 2019 Chinese Culture Camp report in Ningbo, please click here for details).
If you are over 12 years old and would like to join our Chinese Culture Camp in China in 2023 as participants or camp leaders, please click here for registration. As the places are limited, if you are not able to get in 2023, you will be put on the waiting list for 2024 events (Please be aware: you will need valid passport or valid Chinese visa or travel permit for travelling to China).
The detailed information about the Chinese Culture Camp in China would be given to participated students and teachers later. The Chinese office is not available for enquiries about the event. Thank you for your understanding.
It’s getting cold recently. Please keep warm and take care. Let’s see you on campus this weekend.
Yours sincerely,
Kevin Hu, Principal
Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language and Culture School is a DET-accredited Child Safe community language school. If you have any concern and suggestions regarding the school’s child safe policy, please feel free to visit https://xjs.vic.edu.au/child-safety/ or call us at 9888 1688 or email us at [email protected].