新金山中文学校校长信箱 (12/08/2022)Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language and Culture School Principal’s Message
第四,交通安全。Mt Waverley校区作为新金山的摇篮,在华文教育中建立了口碑,吸引了来自四面八方想要学好中文的学子,目前注册学生已有3800多位。尽管学校分别开设了周六、周日上午、下午的课程来分流学生,但是各个时间段的学生总量还是比较大,上下课高峰期交通拥挤屡见不鲜。由于我校员工不可在校园外协调交通管理事宜,因此特别需要家长们不在非停车点停车,不在非拐弯处拐弯,不在居民车道停车。校园安全和稳定离不开校区附近所有居民的理解与支持。因此希望家长在接送孩子上下学的过程中,注意行车和停车安全,遵守行车规范,互相谅解、互相礼让,给孩子们树立榜样。
新金山中文学校是一所旨在保护儿童安全的社区语言学校,如果您对我校的有关儿童安全相关政策有任何疑问或建议,请登陆我校网站 https://xjs.vic.edu.au/child-safety/或致电98881688进行查询,也可发邮件至[email protected]
Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language and Culture School
Principal’s Message
Dear teachers, students and parents,
Our Term 3 has passed halfway. Currently our attendance rate is 90% in average and classes in each year level are delivering smoothly. In this winter, with Covid-19 and flu virus, our Chinese language and culture learning could not be conducted successfully without the understanding and cooperation of all our school community members. I would like to present my sincere appreciation to all of you.
Today, I would like to discuss some issues regarding campus safety that you should be aware of:
- Health on campus. Due to the covid-19 and coming of the flu in winter, we have urged all our staff, students and parents to wear face masks and keep social distance on campus. It has been appreciated that parents have also kept their children at home when they are feeling unwell, which has stopped the spread of the viruses in school and we have received very few reports of positive Covid cases in Term 3. Parents are expected to leave campus after dropping off and students are expected put the food rubbish into the bins outside the classrooms. Let’s keep these epidemic prevention habits and create a healthy learning environment for your children.
- Student safety. As our campuses are open to public and locate close to residential zones, there lies some potential safety risks. For example, local residents might walk their dogs on campuses during weekends and sometimes rocks might fly into the campus from nowhere. Our admin staff and yard duty supervisors would try their best to patrol the campus to secure the safety of our students. Students are not expected to stay outside the campus during class time; they are not expected to play or make noise near the houses around the campus and they are not expected to run on campus. Recently, we have also noticed some violent and bullying behaviours among students which have been resolved (thanks to the understanding and support from the involved parents and we also appreciate the attitude of the involved students who have presented their willingness to behave better in the future). Class teachers would reinforce the importance of observing the school’s regulations in class. We hope all the students could enjoy learning safely and happily.
- Property on campus. The day school has provided us spacy and well-equipped campus for us during weekends. We have to take good care of the facilities on site during class time and break time and never touch the items left in the classrooms by the day school teachers and students to avoid unnecessary damages. We have received complaints from the day school claiming that some of our students have left graffiti on desks and toilet walls and large amount of tissues have been found stuck in toilets, which have made negative impacts on our school. I hope all the students could work together to protect the property on campus.
- Travel safety on campus. As the main campus of XJS, Mt Waverley campus has renown for her good quality in teaching and now there are about 3,800 students enrolled in this campus only. Although students have been separated in morning and afternoon classes on both Saturdays and Sundays, the traffic jam has never been a surprise in any dropping-off or picking-up time. As our admin staff is not allowed to supervise traffic outside the campus, parents are advised not to park on non-stop spots or on driveways of local residence or make turns when not permitted. The safety of campus is largely supported by local residents. Please respect them during picking-up and dropping-off time by parking safely and observing driving regulations to set up good models for your children.
We sincerely appreciate your years’ support and cooperation regarding campus safety and hope all the XJS students could enjoy learning and obtain achievement in a healthy, safe and stable learning environment.
Let’s see you on campus this weekend.
Best regards,
Kevin Hu, Principal