新金山中文学校校长信箱(15072020)Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language and Culture School Principal’s Message
- 所有人员(包括教职员工、学生)进入校园前必须检测体温,凡是体温超过37.5度的一律不得进入校园;
- 教职员工或学生如有任何类似感冒症状,如鼻塞、低热、咳嗽、咽喉痛等,请及时就医或就近进行COVID-19检测,症状解除或检测显示未感染COVID-19后才能返回校园;
- 一旦在校园内发现教职员工或学生有任何身体不适,学校会马上请教职员工离开校园或者联系家长接学生回家;
- 教职员工和学生在校园里尽可能戴口罩;
- 家长在送学生上学和接学生放学时不得进入校园,如果家长有充分的理由进入校园(比如咨询、交费或办理退费手续等),必须做体温测试并在中文办公室登记姓名、电话、到访日期和时间等信息;
- 家长在中文办公室期间请自觉遵守间隔1.5米的安全社交距离原则;
- 教职员工在校园内的厨房/餐厅区域请自觉遵守每4平方米一个人的安全社交距离原则;
- 请所有教职员工和学生保持良好的个人卫生习惯,注意随时用洗手液消毒。学校管理人员会不间断地对接触比较多的地方(如门把手)进行清洁消毒。
Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language and Culture School
Principal’s Message
Dear teachers, students and parents,
Last weekend was our first week for Term 3. Although Victorians go back to stage 3 restrictions, 95% of 5500 students attended our online classes, which is very impressive. I would like to present my sincere appreciation to all the teachers, students and parents for your huge support in our journey of Chinese language and culture learning.
As instructed by DET, prep to year 10 students would remain online learning by 19 August. VCE 11 and 12 students could go back to school on campus. Considering the current situation of COVID-19 in Victoria and parents’ concern on students’ health and safety, we have made various arrangements for our VCE students on different campuses. VCE 11 students would conduct learning mainly online (they may go back to campus if necessary) and VCE 12 students would go back to school on campus (please refer to the VCE teachers’ notice for each campus).
To protect all our staff and parents while they are working on campus, it would be much appreciated if you could follow the regulations below:
- All the people (including admin and teaching staff and students) are required to receive temperature check. Anyone with temperature over 37.5oC is not permitted to enter the campus.
- Any staff or student who has flu-like symptoms such as blocked nose, fever, coughing or sore throat, please visit your GP or get a COVID-19 test and do not return to campus until the symptoms have eased or your COVID-19 test result is negative.
- If any staff or student is found feeling sick on campus, we would ask him/her to go home or contact his/her parents for picking up.
- All the staff and students on campus are encouraged to wear face masks if possible.
- Parents are not permitted to enter the campus while dropping off or picking up. If it is necessary for them to enter the campus (such as enquiry, making payment or claiming refund), they are required to receive temperature check and register their name, telephone and arriving date and time.
- All the parents are required to practice social distancing rules (1.5 metres away from others) inside the Chinese Office.
- Teaching and admin staff are required to practice social distancing rules (one person in every 4 m2) in kitchen/dinning area on campus.
- All the staff and students are encouraged to practice good hygiene all the time. Our admin staff would sanitize the mostly touched areas (such as door handles) from time to time.
I know it’s a hard time for all of us. I hope all the teachers try your best to deliver every class online and keep our teaching quality as usual. I also hope every member of our school community keeps on working together to win this fight against COVID-19.
Please keep safe and healthy.
Yours sincerely,
Kevin Hu