新金山中文学校校长信箱(25/01/2021)Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language and Culture School Principal’s Message
- 所有年级的所有学生都回到校园上实体课;
- 70岁以上员工及家长、65岁以上有慢性疾病的员工及家长和任何年龄段有免疫系统问题的员工及家长在到访校园前咨询家庭医生的建议;
- 如有任何身体不适,请留在家中或及时就医;
- 教职员工和学生如在校园内出现身体不适,学校会立即采取隔离措施,并要求教职员工立即离开校园就医,联系家长接回学生并及时就医;
- 校园内不强制戴口罩,但是在无法保证1.5米社交距离的情况下还是建议戴上口罩。在天气炎热的情况下,请保持足够饮水,并在不需要戴口罩的区域取下口罩;
- 家长在接送孩子后,请尽快离开校园。上课期间,家长不可在校园滞留;
- 需要咨询或交费的家长,请到指定接待地点登记个人信息;
- 所有教职员工、学生和家长在校内应注意个人卫生;
- 尽量避免分享食物,吃东西前必须洗手;
- 使用非接触式问候方式(不握手或拥抱);
- 教职员工和家长在校园及办公区域内保持1.5米社交距离,教师应在恰当和可能的情况下与学生保持社交距离;
- 学校会在上课前、下课后对全校进行清洁消毒,并会在课间对接触较多的区域进行定点清洁消毒;
- 教室门窗会尽量保持开放以促进空气流通;
胡培康 校长
Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language and Culture School
Principal’s Message
Dear teachers, students and parents,
We are so pleased to inform you that we could finally return to on-site learning in 2021. Term 1 would start from 30/31 January 2021.
Due to the fact that the Covid-19 virus is still spreading worldwide, we would strictly follow the DET instructions with a detailed COVID Safe Plan when we return to the on-site learning. It would be much appreciated if you could respect and follow the relevant instructions.
- All students are expected to attend on-site classes.
- Staff and parents aged 70 years and older, or aged 65 years and older and with chronic medical conditions or of any age and have a compromised immune system should seek advice from their medical practitioner about their on-site attendance.
- Staff, parents and students must stay at home when unwell.
- Staff and students experiencing compatible symptoms on campus with coronavirus (COVID-19), such as fever, cough or sore throat, would be isolated in an appropriate space with suitable supervision and students should be collected by a parent or carer as soon as possible.
- Face masks are recommended when 1.5 metres physical distancing cannot be maintained. Take mask breaks throughout the day, when you’re in settings that do not require them to be worn and keep yourself hydrated with water in hot days.
- Parents are expected to leave the campus as soon as possible after dropping off and picking up. Parents are not expected to stay onsite during class time.
- Parents seeking for enquiry and paying tuition fees are expected to register with their details in the designated reception spots.
- All staff, students and visitors to schools should undertake regular hand hygiene.
- Sharing of food is not recommended. Always wash your hands before taking food.
- Use non-contact greetings (not shaking hands, hugging or kissing).
- Staff must practise physical distancing 1.5m between themselves and other staff members or adults to the extent that is reasonably practicable. Staff should physically distance themselves from students where appropriate and feasible.
- COVIDSafe routine cleaning will be in place from Term 1, which involves daily end-of-school-day cleaning, with a particular focus on cleaning and disinfecting of high-touch surfaces during break times.
- Doors would be kept open if feasible to keep air circulating.
Our school has a Zero Tolerance Policy regarding physical or verbal abuse of our students or staff. Physical or verbal towards our staff will not be tolerated. Offenders may be told to leave the school and police may be notified.
We have made various preparation to keep on providing quality Chinese language learning services to all our students. Please pay attention to the class offer notices from your class teachers within the next few days.
In 2020, our VCE students conquered great difficulty and obtained great achievements in VCE Chinese final exams: 7 students got All-Round VCE High Achiever Awards and 73 students obtained 40+.
In 2021, let’s work together again.
Yours sincerely,
Kevin Hu, Principal