本武术班由世界武术全能冠军Master Jiang亲自授课,她是中国陈氏太极拳六段位,国际高级持牌教练,陈氏太极拳第十三代入室弟子。本武术班将传授中华武术入门基本功,强身健体,培养孩子自信、积极向上的品质,提高自我保护意识。
招生对象:5周岁—18周岁 身体基本健康的男女学员(欢迎本校以及外校学生报名)
开班时间:中文学校上课期间,每周六下午 1:30—-3:00
(Term 3 上课时间:8月3日、8月10日、8月17日、8月24日、8月31日)
上课地点:Mount Waverley Secondary College Senior campus 体育馆 (体育馆入口靠近Beaufort St)
Xin Jin Shan Martial Arts Class is open soon
We are very honoured to inform you that Xin Jin Shan Martial Arts Class is
coming soon.
This class would be taught by Master Jiang, the International Martial All-round
Champion herself. Ms Jiang ranks the 6th segment in Chinese Chen Taijiquan, the
13th disciple of Chen Taijiquan and senior accredited international martial arts
instructor. Students would learn the basic martial arts skills, strengthen their
bodies, develop confidence and increase self-protection awareness in this class.
Participated students would have the chance to present martial arts on the
Opening Ceremony of the 2nd Chinese Martial Arts Festival in Australia on 31st
August 2019.
Students: All the 5-18 year old students with basic health conditions are
welcome to enrol (including those outside Xin Jin Shan).
Class time: 1:30pm-3pm on Saturdays (3 Aug, 10 Aug, 17 Aug, 24 Aug, 31 Aug)
Venue: Hall on the senior campus of MWSC (close to Beaufort St entrance)
Fees: Free (sponsored by Melbourne Chinese Martial Arts Association and Xin
Jin Shan)
Registration: Scan the following Group Code (by 1 Aug) and fill in the
registration form on site on 3 Aug.