现在,我们很高兴地告诉大家,经过认真的组织筹备工作,2022春季“中华文化园”活动即将于第三学期假期内(9月19日至9月22日)举行。本次活动由澳大利亚常青藤文化书院(IVY Culture)主办,上海常青藤国际学校协办,新金山中文学校将组织学生积极参与此次活动(也欢迎其它中文学校的学生报名参加)。
第1, 谁有资格报名参加文化园活动(限额200位,额满为止)
第2, 文化园活动的具体时间安排
第3, 文化园活动地点
Mt Waverley Secondary College高中部新大楼教学区是我们本次中华文化园的活动地点,这也是新金山中文学校的总校区,很多学生和家长对Mt Waverley中学宽阔的室外活动区域、现代化的教室和宁静安全的环境留下了深刻的印象,相信今年的文化园活动一定会取得更大的成功。
Mt Waverley Secondary College
100 Stephensons Rd, Mt Waverley, Vic 3149
第4, 文化园才艺课程安排
第5, 文化园活动的收费标准
第6, 文化园提供早晚学生托管服务
第7, 文化园报名办法,请点击此处或扫描报名(注册时需要Google Account或Gmail登录)
2022 Spring Chinese Culture Camp Notice
With the coming of Spring, Term 3 school holiday is not far away. We believe many of you still have the fresh memory of our Term 2 holiday program Chinese Culture Camp and parents have approached us recently inviting more similar event in Term 3 holiday, claiming that their children have greatly benefited from the culture event during which they have enjoyed the experience of learning Chinese culture and tradition and their interest in Chinese language learning has increased.
With the careful organisation, we are pleased to inform you that the Chinese Culture Camp would be organised again during Term 3 holiday from 19 September to 22 September. The event is organised by IVY Culture, supported by Shanghai IVY School and XJS would organise students to participate in the event (students outside XJS are also welcome).
IVY Culture has played an important role in our Term 2 Chinese Culture Camp as a major sponsor and this time as the organiser the IVY would provide us abundant learning activities and materials. Senior teachers from Shanghai IVY School would make their contribution in lessons such as Chinese poems appreciation, singing classical Chinese songs and teaching Chinese martial arts. Volunteer teachers from XJS would guide our students in learning Chinese calligraphy, arts, abacus mental arithmetic and handcraft making. As the Mid-Autumn Festival falls in Term 3 break, students would have the opportunity to learn the history and tradition of the traditional celebration and learn how to make mooncakes with hands-on experience. Moreover, they would also learn how to make traditional Chinese lantern and their final work of arts would definitely bring some colour to your own celebration of Mid-Autumn Festival at home. A professional dancing teacher would also be invited to teach students how to perform Chinese traditional dancing and it would bring a lot of fun for kids.
To ensure all the participants could learn Chinese tradition and culture and bring home culture-rich work of arts, the event is limited to 200 places and is first come first served. With confirmation of your registration and payment, a separate enrolment notice would be sent out later.
Please read the following information regarding registration and payment.
- Participants (Only 200 places are available)
All the students aged 5 to 18 without any communicable disease are welcome to attend the event.
- Timetable
19/09—22/09 (Monday—Thursday), 9:30AM—3:30PM
Friday 23 September is a public holiday. IVY is planning to organize a special Chinese Culture Family Day inviting all the participating students and their parents to join when students could present their talents and parents could strengthen bonding with their kids (Please refer to a separate notice later).
P.S. During the Chinese Culture Camp, students could attend the Morning Care (8:30AM—9:30AM) and Afternoon Care (3:30PM—4:30PM) through a separate registration (please refer to point 6).
- Venue
Mt Waverley Secondary College (new building on the senior campus) would be our venue for the Chinese Culture Camp this time. This campus is the major campus of XJS and our students have had a wonderful time here and have fully enjoyed the modern facilities and beautiful environment on the campus.
Address: 100 Stephensons Rd, Mt Waverley, Vic 3149
- Activities
The learning activities of the Chinese Culture Camp include calligraphy, Chinese painting, paper cutting, mandarin fan painting, Beijing opera face painting, Chinese knotting, paper pasting, games, abacus mental arithmetic, handcrafting, clay modelling, martial arts, reciting, dancing and poem appreciation (age-appropriate activities would be arranged for your children and the class timetable in details would be informed later).
- Fees
The Chinese Culture Camp is a non-profit event. Due to rising prices, each participant pays $340 ($280 if paid before 5 September) including venue renting, learning materials, insurance and lunch for four days.
P.S. The event is non-refundable (for special situations, the paid amount can be transferred into vouchers of IVY for purchasing books). Your understanding is much appreciated.
- Morning and afternoon care
Morning Care (8:30AM—9:30AM) and Afternoon Care (3:30PM—4:30PM) are available during the Chinese Culture Camp with $10 for each care (you only need to pay $10 if your children attend both morning care and afternoon care on the same day).
- Registration
Please click here or scan the QR Code below for registration (Google Account or Gmail login is required for registration).
Contact: [email protected]
Best regards,
2022 Spring Chinese Culture Camp Team