新金山中文学校校长信箱 (26/08/2022)Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language and Culture School Principal’s Message
再有,首届五大洲华裔青少年国际汉字棋邀请赛将于本周末在中国宁波市举行,世界各国的参赛选手们将通过下载APP软件在线参赛。我校有40 多位学生将参加本周末举办的汉字棋国际邀请赛。比赛开幕式将在本周五(8月26日)北京时间下午3点半(墨尔本时间下午5点半)举行,Zoom 会议室直播,观看请点击:https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82689233837?pwd=M21PdHFMd1N1RWJjVjc2anZ4Sk9BZz09,Zoom会议号:826 8923 3837 密码:943081
- 凡是参加过第二学期假期网上夏令营和中华文化大乐园的同学,您将有机会领取到JRW物业管理公司赠送的奖品,请点击:网上夏令营 中华文化大乐园
- 第三学期假期中华文化园活动报名已经开始,本次活动主办方作了精心策划,准备了精致丰盛的才艺道具和礼物,有不少亮点。通知发出即日已有30多位学生报了名,名额有限,有兴趣参加并在9月5日之前完成报名的将会获得$60的费用优惠,查询报名请点击此处
新金山中文学校是一所教育部认可的旨在保护儿童安全的社区语言学校,如果您对我校的有关儿童安全相关政策有任何疑问或建议,请登陆我校网站 https://xjs.vic.edu.au/child-safety/或致电98881688进行查询,也可发邮件至[email protected]
Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language and Culture School
Principal’s Message
Dear teachers, students and parents,
This weekend is the 7th week of Term 3. I would like to inform you the information about the coming events and end-of-term exams as below.
- XJS would organise students to participate the “Overseas Chinese Youth Chinese Proficiency Test” (“Hua Ce”) for the first time. This test is designed to evaluate the Chinese language proficiency of students born outside China, based on the study of Standards and Assessment System of Chinese Communication Skills Evaluation organised by professor Hanwei Wang of Chinese Language College of Jinan University of China (our textbook series Chinese is also published by this organisation). Hua Ce is expected to evaluate students’ ability of writing and recognising Chinese characters which is related to but different from our current Chinese language learning and it is the first time XJS participates Hua Ce. XJS plans to make Hua Ce as the end-of-term test in the last week of Term 3 for all the year 3 to year 9 students (including advanced classes). XJS would bear the cost of testing and class teachers would request parents to report whether their child/ren would be present in Week 9 for test paper ordering purpose.
- As usual, Chinese Handwriting Competition and Reciting Competition would be held in Term 3, aiming to provide a stage for students to present their talents in Chinese handwriting and Chinese oral presentation, which could also practice their writing and speaking skills. Year 1-3 students would attend the handwriting competition which is also part of the end-of-term exams for the three year levels. Year 3-11 students would attend the reciting competition which also forms a part of their exams. The well-performed students in reciting competition would be nominated to participate in the final round of Chinese Reciting Competition among students in Chinese language schools in Victoria.
- VCE Study Competition has been organised since mid-August among Year 12 students. The competition not only presents an opportunity for students to understand their levels in Chinese language learning, but also allows teachers to know how much students have grasped in their learning and what can be done for their future learning. The participated students have been quite active in the competition and tried their hard to improve themselves through the event.
- The first Chinese Character Chess Competition is scheduled on this weekend at Ningbo, China and participants would join the competition through the designated APP. Over 40 XJS students would also attend the event. The Opening Ceremony is scheduled on Friday 26 August at 5:30PM (Melbourne time) online. Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82689233837?pwd=M21PdHFMd1N1RWJjVjc2anZ4Sk9BZz09,Zoom ID:826 8923 3837 Zoom Password:943081
Moreover, I would like to inform you the two notices below.
- All the participants of Online Chinese Culture Camp and onsite Chinese Culture Camp in Term 2 break would be able to collect the gifts provided by JRW Property International. Please click: Online Chinese Culture Camp onsite Chinese Culture Camp
- Term 3 Spring Chinese Culture Camp is now open for registration. The organiser of the event has made excellent preparation with abundant learning materials and gifts. Over 30 students have been enrolled on the first day when the registration is available. Places are limited. If you are interested in the event, you could enjoy $60 discount if payment is made by the 5th For details, please click here
Best regards,
Kevin Hu, Principal