新金山中文学校校长信箱 (09/09/2022)Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language and Culture School Principal’s Message
其次,假期中华文化园活动将于9月19日-22日在Mt Waverley总校举办。常青藤文化书院在历届大乐园的基础上,对课程内容精心设计,其中多项活动首次出台。学生们能学到才艺,收获快乐。参加者有机会在9月23日跟家长一起去庄园观看魔术师表演,领取滑稽气球等。目前开班通知即将发出,还想参加的请点击报名(9月16日截止)。
再有,由中国华文教育基金会主办的2022年全球华裔青少年器乐展演已经开始,大赛不接受个人报名,我校愿协助组织报名参赛事宜。凡18岁以下华裔青少年均可参加两个年龄组别的比赛(少儿组7-12岁,青少组13-18岁),参赛乐器种类不限,时长不限,但需拍视频(MP4格式)。请在9月14日之前将报名信息发给学校邮箱[email protected] (提供:姓名、参加组别、何种乐器、作品名称),请注意,只有预先报名的,其参赛视频作品才会被接受。请在10月9日之前将视频参赛作品上传 (学校会通知参赛学生上传视频,然后把参赛作品发送至主办方)。有关本次器乐展演的具体信息请点击:2022’全球华裔青少年器乐展演
胡培康 校长
新金山中文学校是一所教育部认可的旨在保护儿童安全的社区语言学校,如果您对我校的有关儿童安全相关政策有任何疑问或建议,请登陆我校网站 https://xjs.vic.edu.au/child-safety/或致电98881688进行查询,也可发邮件至[email protected]
Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language and Culture School
Principal’s Message
Dear teachers, students and parents,
This weekend is the last week of Term 3. Term 4 starts from 8/9 October.
This weekend Year 3 to Year 9 students would attend Hua Ce Test for the first time. Teachers have explained to the students about the questions styles of the test and how to complete the answer sheets correctly. There are two parts in Hua Ce test: Reading and Writing. As this is the first time we sit the test, students are only required to complete the reading part with multiple-choice questions and we believe they can perform well without too much pressure.
This is the first Spring holiday after the ease of Covid restrictions in Melbourne. Many parents have claimed that they have planned for a family trip during the school holiday. We do need a good rest and I wish you a wonderful trip.
I would like to let you know some events coming during this school holiday.
- As the coming of VCE final exams, VCE oral mock tests would be scheduled during the break and VCE 12 students would expect some extra classes during the holiday to prepare for the final exams (please refer to the notice from your class teachers).
- Chinese Culture Camp is scheduled on 19-22 September on the senior campus of Mt Waverley Secondary College. IVY Culture has prepared well-designed activities based on the previous experience and many activities would be presented for the first time. Students would learn with fun. All the participants are also able to enjoy a family day with magic and balloon show. Students would receive the enrolment notice soon and now enrolment is still open by 16 September. Please click the link for enrolment.
- We have organised Writing Competition, Reciting Competition and VCE Study Competition in Term 3 and the final round of Writing Competition and Reciting Competition would be arranged online during the school holiday and the top students in the Reciting Competition would attend the 2022 Chinese Poetry Reciting Competition organised by the Chinese Schools Association of Victoria (class teachers would follow it up, VideoUpload).
- The 2022 Chinese Youth Musical Instrument Competition is now open. As the competition only accept group registration, XJS would accept student registration and then send them to the organiser as a group registration. All the Chinese youngsters under 18 are able to join the competition (Junior Group: aged 7-12; Senior Group: aged 13-18). All the musical instruments are accepted and there is no time limit for the performance. Students are required to register by 15 September ([email protected]) with your name, your age group, musical instrument and name of your performance. Please be aware that the organiser only accepts the performance video of the registered students. Your performance video (in MP4) (we would ask your video, then send to the organiser as a group) by 9 October. For details of the competition, please click: 2022_musical_instrument
I wish you a safe, healthy, happy and relaxed school holiday ahead.
See you in Term 4.
Yours sincerely,
Kevin Hu, Principal