新金山中文学校校长信箱 (16/06/2023)Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language and Culture School Principal’s Message
第二学期对我们大家来说都是比较困难的,我校精英中文部(1-9年级)、早教学前、普通中文1-9年级,以及VCE中文部的VCE预备班、VCE 11/12年级在各自使用的Mt Waverley 中学初中部和高中部经历校园改建和新造教学楼的工程施工,严重影响到老师和家长们的泊车以及交通安全。此外,我们还面对流感等在社区的传播以及疫情的反反复复。但是,我们大家齐心协力,遵守社区安全和健康安全的规定,互相配合,克服了巨大的困难,没有发生一起安全事故,没有收到周围邻居投诉,顺利度过今年上半学年的学习。我相信,这是我们学校社区每一位成员具有良好素质的表现。我为大家点大赞。
根据目前我了解到的情况,Mt Waverley中学高中部4个工程中有2个工程即将完成,其中在图书馆边上的第二大工程蓄水站已进入收尾阶段,最大的工程新科技大楼主体建筑已完工,内装修如果材料供应正常的话会在两个月内结束(其它两个小工程对交通影响不大)。这样,很快我们有不少班级的学生将跟日校学生一样搬到新的教学大楼上课。我们跟Mt Waverley中学30年密切合作,见证日校的改变和发展,我们同甘共苦,克服困难,共创辉煌。
在上个周末,我们Mt Waverley总校举办了各年级联合考试,考试现场次序非常好(请阅现场照片)。我们的老师们会在认真批阅考卷之后,根据学生在第一、第二学期的综合表现给学生准备成绩报告。老师们也会向学生布置适当的假期作业。我知道,有的班级动员学生报名参加本周末开营的“亲情中华.为你讲故事”网上夏令营—福建厦门营和甘肃武威营活动,把夏令营的打卡作业作为假期中文学习的作业。这是一个很好的尝试,希望所有参加网上夏令营的学生们在夏令营活动中取得收获。
新金山中文学校是一所教育部认可的旨在保护儿童安全的社区语言学校,如果您对我校的有关儿童安全相关政策有任何疑问或建议,请登陆我校网站 https://xjs.vic.edu.au/child-safety/或致电98881688进行查询,也可发邮件至[email protected]
Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language and Culture School
Principal’s Message
Dear teachers, students and parents,
I’m pleased to let you know our Term 2 is coming to an end on Sunday (18 June) and Term 3 starts from 15/16 July.
I would like to present my sincere appreciation to every member of our school community including teachers, admin staff, volunteers, students and their parents.
We’ve gone through quite a bit hardship in Term 2 when both junior and senior campus of MWSC have been undertaking renovation projects which has brought great difficulties in travelling and parking onsite and around the campuses. The spread of flu virus and covid has also made it hard for all of us. However, thanks to our great efforts observing the security and safety regulations of the school, we haven’t encountered any accident or complaint from residents nearby. I would like to give you a big thumb for your excellent performance.
As far as I know, 2 out of 4 projects of MWSC are coming to an end. The second largest project – water storage station next to the library on the senior campu is in its phase-out stage. For the biggest project – the STEAM centre, the main building has been completed and the interior decoration could be finished within two months if the material supply works well. The other two projects would have very little impact on the traffic onsite. Soon some of our classes would move to the new STEAM centre as MWSC students do. XJS has worked along with MWSC for 30 years and has witnessed the change and development of the school. We are happy to keep on working together with MWSC to create a better future.
Last weekend, students on the senior campus of MWSC took the end-of-term exams together in the Hall and it went quite well (please refer to the photos on the day). Our teachers would mark the exam paper and prepare Semester 1 School Report based on students’ performance in Term 1 and 2. Holiday homework would also be handed out this weekend. I know some classes have encouraged students to participate in online Chinese Culture Camp (Xiamen Camp and Wuwei Camp) during school breaks as their holiday homework. It is a good idea and I hope students could enjoy the activities at the camp.
I wish you a happy and relaxed school holiday with your family members. Let’s see you in Term 3.
Yours sincerely,
Kevin Hu, Principal
Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language and Culture School is a DET-accredited Child Safe community language school. If you have any concern and suggestions regarding the school’s child safe policy, please feel free to visit https://xjs.vic.edu.au/child-safety/ or call us at 9888 1688 or email us at [email protected].