新金山中文学校校长信箱 (17/11/2023)Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language and Culture School Principal’s Message
1. 老生怎么在网上更新2024年学生信息?
根据教育部的规定我们需要每年更新学生信息。2023年已注册学生的家长可以在自己的邮箱中搜索“新金山中文学校学生信息表2023“,找到2023年注册时收到的学生信息表已提交的确认邮件。打开该邮件,点击”Edit response“,就可进入学生信息更新页面。
2. 家长不记得2023年注册时登记的邮箱怎么办?
3. 老生不知道自己的学生号怎么办?
4. 精英班新生怎么在网上注册报名?
5. 明年报读高中11、12年级和VCE11、12年级的学生报读时不知道怎么选择语种,应该向谁咨询?
可在周末直接到总校高中部咨询,也可发邮件至:[email protected].
6. 2024年交费早鸟优惠和校友子女优惠的区别?
7. 已经完成了学校网上的学生信息更新(或者新生网上注册报名),怎么知道已经成功递交并完成了网上注册?
家长在网上更新或填写好学生相关信息,完成付费并上传付款凭证,点击提交之后,会马上在自己的邮箱中收到“新金山中文学校信息表”为主题的邮件,告知家长已经完成网上信息提交。请再次检查自己提交的信息,如果需要修改,请点击“Edit response”进行网上修改。请保存此邮件。
此外,由于Mt Waverley 区域最主要的 High Street Road 靠近我们校区的路段正在施工,请大家特别注意行车安全。
新金山中文学校是一所教育部认可的旨在保护儿童安全的社区语言学校,如果您对我校的有关儿童安全相关政策有任何疑问或建议,请登陆我校网站 https://xjs.vic.edu.au/child-safety/或致电98881688进行查询,也可发邮件至[email protected]
Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language and Culture School
Principal’s Message
Dear teachers, students and parents,
Due to the weather change recently, flu and covid are quickly spreading in the community and it is recommended that you wear face masks in public areas. Some parents have also raised their concern of bringing children to campus on weekend. Last week, the Australian Chinese News donated 20 boxes of face masks (about tens of thousands face masks) and students and teachers got a pack of face masks last weekend. I also noticed that some parents posted their children’s experience of being given face masks at XJS. It is a small thing; however it shows our concerns to the health and safety of all our students and teachers. I would like to present our school’s appreciation to the Australian Chinese News.
Last weekend, we handed out the 2024 payment notice to all the students and on the first day of 2024 enrolment about 200 students have registered and made the payment for 2024. There are some parents raising their questions regarding registration and making payment. I would like to provide you a Q&A here for your reference.
1. How do 2023 registered students update their 2024 information?
DET required all the community language school students to fill in the enrolment form each year. For the 2023 registered students, parents could search ‘新金山中文学校学生信息表2023’ in their email box and find an email from XJS confirming their children’s 2023 enrolment. Once the email is open, click ‘Edit response’ and they will be directed to the information update page.
2. What if parents couldn’t remember the email address for 2023 registration?
If parents couldn’t remember their email address, they could contact the children’s class teachers who would contact the office for assistance.
3. What if the 2023 registered students don’t know their own student numbers?
All the 2023 registered students are expected to receive 2024 payment notices from their class teachers. On the payment notice, students could find their own student number. If you haven’t received the 2024 payment notice, please contact your class teacher.
4. How to ACP new students enrol online?
If your child attended the ACP entry test and received a placement offer, you could visit our school website at www.xjs.vic.edu.au and click ‘2024新生咨询报名’ for online enrolment. In the ‘Student Number’ section, click ‘已获录取通知书的2024年精英班新生’ and fill in your student number which is written on your placement offer. Then you could fill in your personal information as instructed, make the payment, upload the payment confirmation and complete the 2024 enrolment.
5. If I would like to enrol for Year 11/12 or VCE 11/12 and I don’t know what language type I should choose (such as First Language, Second Language, etc), who should I contact?
You could visit our senior campus at MWSC on weekends for enquiry or email us at [email protected].
6. What is the difference between early-bird discount and discount for children of alumnus?
2024 early-bird discount (25% off each term’s tuition fees) is a time limited discount only available by 22 December 2023. For the children of alumnus discount, although it is also 25% off each term’s tuition fees, there is no time limit. It’s more flexible (for example, parents could pay by term or semester) and each time they make the payment, they could enjoy 25% off each term’s tuition fees.
7. If I have updated or fill in the new enrolment form, how do I know I have enrolled for 2024 successfully?
Once parents have completed or updated the 2024 enrolment form, make the payment and upload the payment confirmation, they will receive an email from XJS with the subject ‘新金山中文学校信息表’ confirming they have submitted the 2024 enrolment form successfully. Please double check the information provided in your email received. If you find anything wrong, click ‘Edit response’ to revise it. Please keep this email in your email box and do not delete it.
One week before the start of Term 1, parents would receive text message or email informing their children’s class arrangements. If you have any questions, please contact your child’s class teacher or contact the Chinese offices on campus.
Moreover, there is a construction work going on the High Street Road (the section closer to our campus), please drive safely around the campus.
Yours sincerely,
Kevin Hu, Principal
Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language and Culture School is a DET-accredited Child Safe community language school. If you have any concern and suggestions regarding the school’s child safe policy, please feel free to visit https://xjs.vic.edu.au/child-safety/ or call us at 9888 1688 or email us at [email protected].