2024 年学生信息核对要求
2024 Student Information Confirmation
As requested by DET, community language schools are expected to submit enrolled students’ information to DET each year as the evidence for funding application and public liability insurance purchase. Students’ information is collected for XJS and DET use only and will not be disclosed to any other third parties.
We would like to thank you for all your support and cooperation. Currently about 3600 students have completed their 2024 enrolment online. However, we’ve noticed that some parents have made the payment yet haven’t enrolled their child/ren online and some parents have provided wrong information in the enrolment. Therefore, we would much appreciate if teachers, students and parents could work together to double check the following information and inform us if there is any mistake (For those who have made the payment yet haven’t enrolment online, please visit our Chinese office onsite for assistance).
1,学生在日校注册的First Name和Last Name。
Student’s First Name and Last Name as registered in the day school.
Student’s day school name (if entering a NEW day school in 2024) and its campus (if the school has more than one campus).
Community language schools are expected to submit the information of enrolled students by mid-March. Therefore, our information confirmation work is due on Sunday 10 March. Time is very limited. Your cooperation is much appreciated.
Moreover, due to the confidentiality of students’ information, teachers and parents are not expected to share student’s information in any group chat.
胡培康 Kevin Hu
校长 Principal
新金山中文学校是一所教育部认可的旨在保护儿童安全的社区语言学校,如果您对我校的有关儿童安全相关政策有任何疑问或建议,请登陆我校网站 https://xjs.vic.edu.au/child-safety/或致电98881688进行查询,也可发邮件至[email protected]
Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language and Culture School is a DET-accredited Child Safe community language school. If you have any concern and suggestions regarding the school’s child safe policy, please feel free to visit https://xjs.vic.edu.au/child-safety/ or call us at 9888 1688 or email us at [email protected]