新金山中文学校校长信箱 (26/04/2023)Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language and Culture School Principal’s Message
在假期期间,第二十三届世界华人学生作文大赛揭晓,我校学生再次取得优异成绩。其中,Mt Waverley总校中文高级班陈儒宣老师指导的学生沈怡然同学的《纸上人间》、精英中文部高年级薛兰花老师指导的学生姚舒航同学的《站得更高的人》两篇作文获得大赛一等奖,陈嫣然等11位同学的作文获得二等奖,邹沛桐等16位同学的作文获得了三等奖,还有很多学生或鼓励奖。此外,我校陈儒宣、薛兰花、王野秋、李想、郭莹、蔡丹虹、吴明、徐佩芬、牛莉莉、付劲松等教师获大赛指导奖。
由于第一学期后期有大量低年级新生报名入学,导致Mt Waverley总校周六一年级目前各个班级的学生人数偏多。为保障教学质量给一年级学生打好学好中文的基础,我们将在第二学期对各班级学生做些调整并增加开设新的一年级班级,具体编班情况会由现在的班主任老师通知家长,请家长们配合为盼。
新金山中文学校是一所教育部认可的旨在保护儿童安全的社区语言学校,如果您对我校的有关儿童安全相关政策有任何疑问或建议,请登陆我校网站 https://xjs.vic.edu.au/child-safety/或致电98881688进行查询,也可发邮件至[email protected]
Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language and Culture School
Principal’s Message
Dear teachers, students and parents,
I would like to remind you that our Term 2 starts from this weekend (29/30 April) and ends on 17/18 June. The focus of Term 2 is strengthening our teaching quality by providing student-tailored lessons. Our teachers have attended various teaching workshops during the term break and are now ready for another wonderful term.
We are pleased to be informed during the term break that XJS students have made excellent achievements in the 23rd Chinese Youth Writing Competition. Yiran Shen in the Advanced Class on MW senior campus and Shuhang Yao in the Advanced Class on MJ campus have won the first prizes under the instruction of teachers Tan Seok Ting and Lanhua Xue respectively, Yanran Chen and other 10 students have obtained the second prizes and Peitong Zhou and other 16 students have gained the third prizes. Moreover, our teachers Tan Seok Ting, Lanhua Xue, Yeqiu Wang, Xiang Li, Ying Guo, Danhong Cai, Ming Wu, Peifen Xu, Lili Niu and Jinsong Fu have been awarded the Excellent Instructors.
About 2.8 million students with Chinese background from 48 countries all over the world have participated in this Chinese writing competition and about 327,000 pieces of writing have been selected into the second round. It is a great pride that our students have obtained such wonderful achievements. I would like to present my sincere appreciation and congratulation to all the awarded students and their parents and teachers. Please click here for the award list and the first prize writings.
There are more fun activities coming in Term 2 I would like to recommend to you.
1. Online Chinese Culture Camp
The 2023 Online Chinese Culture Camp organised by the All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese and various local ACFROC have started now. In the past three years, due to the impact of pandemic, the original Chinese Culture Camp have turned online and over 2,000 XJS students have participated the online event.
This year, the exact date is to be confirmed based on the enrolment and the major event time is 7pm to 8pm (two weeks for each group). Participants are expected to listen to stories and watch videos of Chinese history and culture and provide feedbacks by telling their own stories, making performances or making short videos. The event is free of charge. Please click here for registration.
2. Chinese Character Chess Competition
2023 Five Continents Youth Chinese Character Chess Competition is organised by Ningbo All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese. As an excellent Chinese learning tool, Chinese character chess would largely encourage students’ motivation of learning Chinese through playing the game. Students over 10-year-old are all welcome to register for the competition. They would receive free training and those who have completed the first-round competition would be given free chess as a reward regardless their performance. There are still a few more places available. Please feel free to click here for registration.
3. Chinese Reciting Competition
The 6th Global Chinese Reciting Competition is organised by the Chinese Language Education Foundation in China and XJS students have obtained excellent results including the first prizes in the finale. There are four groups for selection: 3-6 years old group, 7-10 years old group, 11-15 years old group and 16-18 years old group and the last three groups accept participants who have lived outside Chinese for three consecutive years. This year the theme of the competition is ‘Peace’. Participants can recite existed Chinese literature works or compose their own work if they prefer. Please click here for registration and details.
4. Chinese Songs Singing Competition
2023 ‘Culture China, Water Cube’ Chinese Songs Singing Competition is one of the favourite events for students with Chinese backgrounds outside China. This is the 8th year the event arrives in Melbourne. The theme of the event this year is ‘Better Reunion’. XJS students have made great achievements in the competition in the last few years and some even have selected vocal as the love of their career. Please click here for registration.
I wish you another pleasant journey in the new term. See you on campus on weekend.
Yours sincerely,
Kevin Hu, Principal
Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language and Culture School is a DET-accredited Child Safe community language school. If you have any concern and suggestions regarding the school’s child safe policy, please feel free to visit https://xjs.vic.edu.au/child-safety/ or call us at 9888 1688 or email us at [email protected].